The Haunting of Dracula's Castle: The Beginning

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"Come on it'll be fun!" Said Rodney running towards me with a flyer in his hand. I rolled my eyes and looked at the flyer "Paid Admission?" I said I didn't believe that for a second.
Anna strolled up behind me and Rodney and kissed Rodney full on the lips. I groaned and continued walking she knew I had a crush on him but yet she dates him. "Hey Roddy!" Anna said with excitement. "Hi Anna." He said nervous and blushing. "So Rodney, Are you going to tell me about this trip." I said interrupting their lover's trance. "Aye, don't get you're panties in a twist Ivy." Anna said her Irish accent slipping out.

I rolled my eyes and stared at the flyer Rodney shoved in my hand. "Ivy, I'm telling you everything on that paper is correct!" He said.

I saw Rose stroll up to us as we started to exit the Cambridge cafeteria. "Hey guys, you heard about that trip?" Rose said.

"Oh not you to." I said.

"So are we going?" Rose said smiling.

"We're trying to convince Ivy." Rodney said. I twitched my eye at Rose and Rose started to laugh.

"I invited Jacob and Danny." Anna said her hands in her coat pocket.

We passed the student library and I watched as the student council put up decorations for Halloween.

I sighed "Dracula's castle is home to Dracula the impaler." I said looking at my three friends.

"Don't you want to be a journalist though, you're going to far more dangerous stuff than that." Rodney said looking at me.

Now I was convinced but it could help me get ahead of everything and explored Dracula's castle would go good on my resume.

"Alright, I'm in." I said.

My friends cheered and headed back to their dorms me and Rose walked together to the girls dorm while Anna and Rodney headed to the local coffee shop on campus.

"So you still haven't told him you're feelings huh?" Rose said cutting the silence.

"He has Anna, Rose." I said looking down at my cold fingers.

"Still you had him before she did Ivy." Rose said.

I looked down at the leaves on the ground in brown and green colors.

Autumn was beautiful my favorite season along with my favorite holiday Halloween.

"He was my bestfriend not my boyfriend." I said now in front of my dorm door.

"Whatever you say but this trip is going to be one we won't forget." Rose said with a smile.

I smiled and nodded my head she hugged me and laughed.

After Rose left I searched up information and the history of Dracula's castle.

All the information on Dracula was completely cringe worthy but one piece of research caught my eye it read:

Each year, Dracula chose a bride to be with him for all eternity each bride he killed so they can stay haunting the castle by his side.
How he killed them was the most brutal recently his bride was a young girl age 17 from bulgaria but her name was not told she was impaled by a stick in the woods. Dracula had left the stick so she could die and be with him for eternity her screams are still heard from outside the woods where he put the stick.
The ghost of the girl still haunts the halls of the castle mainly in the study.
Once Dracula grew bored of his brides he'd lock them in the tower for them to haunt the halls there.

I gasped at the words I just read that's creepy and scary. Dracula was an absolute sick person but if all he wants was a bride why did he approach them by using a stick or something sharp to impale them?
I started to breathe hard we needed to be careful on this trip.
I closed my laptop and laid on the bed motionless and sleepy.
And as I laid I drifted off to sleep.

I was woken up by a knock on the door and I jumped up from the bed. I looked at my phone to see it was 4:00 in the morning.

The knock continued and I opened the door and Rodney stood there soak and wet from the rain his eyes were red like he hadn't got any sleep.

"Rodney..Why are you up so early it's not time to go to the plane." I said sleepily.

Rodney just stood there staring I waved my hands in his face and tried to get him to speak.

I looked down at Rodney's hand to find a stick in his hand. "Rodney...." I said now getting scared.
Rodney held the stick up and smiled cruelly I started to run through the hallway and Rodney followed still chasing me.

I hid in the girls bathroom stall and heard Rodney open the door. I covered my mouth from breathing but my breathing began to get louder and louder.

Rodney began to kick the stalls and hid under one. Next thing I knew he pulled my leg and stabbed me in my neck.

I screamed loudly trying to get him to let me go and I lost consciousness.

"Ivy, wake up!" Someone said shaking me and I opened my eyes to see Rose in my face. "Its time to go Ivy!" Rose said.

"Wait..wait" I said touching my neck I sighed in relief I was glad I was okay.
"What's the matter?" Rose said.

"Nothing.." I said hoping up and starting to get my things together and fixing my hair. Rose's emerald green eyes looked at me worried. "Did you have a bad dream?" Rose said.

"A nightmare but I'm fine." I said trying to put on a sincere smile.

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