Chapter 4: Victim

Start from the beginning


Once I was done, I got into bed and slept, the best sleep I had had in a long time. The kind where you wake up genuinely rested, and felt completely at peace. I even had a dream.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

The next morning I woke up early today because for the first time in a while, I was really excited. Excited to leave, excited to maybe make some more friends, excited to go out there and have another shot at remaking my life. A shot at helping myself get happy again. 

My uniforms hung neatly in my closet, which wasn't as big as the one at home. I slipped it on and made my way to the kitchen in record speed.

Out of habit, I quickly made breakfast, wrote the regular note to my parents, and packed three bento boxes. One for me, and two for my parents.

As soon as I finished packing the lunches, I started on my breakfast. Once I finished, I quickly threw it down my throat and started packing my backpack. When that was done, I slung it over my shoulder and started making my way to my front door.

As soon as I had a minute to think, a certain thought ran across my mind. 

'Wait a minute... I live in my own apartment... I don't need to make food for anyone other than me!'

I smiled at myself, and put the left over food in my fridge for tomorrow.

'Wait. That also means I can eat whatever I want. Yeah!'

Maybe my life wasn't so bad after all. Everything always turns out good in the end.

Today would be my first full, and normal day at school. I wonder what it'll be like.

Yuuei taught normal classes as well, like English. It was held in the morning.

The Cafeteria was where we ate lunch, and there was some pretty tasty food we could buy, that we could get for really cheap.

In the afternoon was when the hero stuff really began.

I was sitting in my desk, ready to start class, when All Might suddenly burst through the door. "I AM HERE!" He shouted in his normal, heroic voice. "COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A HERO!"

The whole class was now talking to each other, saying that this year was gonna be great, and how it's so awesome that All Might was gonna be our teacher.

"Woah! I can't believe it's really All Might!" The electric kid spoke in one breath. 

I had known his quirk because, during the Physical Exam, I had made sure to make mental notes about everyone and their abilities. I couldn't afford to get surprises thrown at me. But the reasoning for my thinking was different now. Before, I did it so I could do better at school, and possibly prevent a beating. But now, I'm glad I did it because now I could start conversations with people, and get to know some new friends. And I could do well in school without worrying about my parents' consequences, and I could also focus on really becoming the best hero.

I want to be the hero to reassure people without hope that things get better. I want to be the hero that not only saves innocent people from villains, but also from themselves. I want to be the hero that proves that you can be who you want to be, and you don't need the people in your life to drag you down.

"So he is gonna be a teacher! This year is gonna be totally awesome!" The spiky redhead exclaimed.

The frog girl also commented on his costume.

The guy with the yellow hair and giant tail agreed with the frog girl and added after, "I'm getting chills, it's so retro!" 

"Welcome to the most important class at Yuuei High!" All Might said with much enthusiasm. "Think of it as Hero-ing 101! Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro, and what it means to fight for good! Let's get into it, today's lesson will be a battle!"

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