"Oh really. You're the one who ditched me Lele, what's with that?" I frowned

She pouted her lips, "Red I'm sorry I had to look for Zeke and I was calling your name and I guess you didn't hear me."

"Whatever. I think I'm bout to bounce.'' I turned around ready to walk away before I felt Lena grab my arm and she turned me around.

"I'm sorry Robin for flaking out on you, I know I shouldn't have done that. I was just excited to see Zeke, but that isn't an excuse for me to ditch my best friend. Forgive me?" she had he arms out waiting for me to hug her.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "You lucky I love you." I reached out and hugged her.

She let go of me and smiled, "Mhm, ya know you wouldn't leave her by yourself. Anyways, let me introduce you to Zeke and his friends." she pulled my arm in the direction she was walking and we made it back into the kitchen.

"Zeke." she was trying to get his attention. A dude that was wearing purple turned around from the people he was talking to to face me and Lena.

"Zeke," Lena spoke up, "This is my best friend Robin, but she likes to be called Red. Red, this is Zeke." she introduced us

I held my hand out ready for him to shake it

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I held my hand out ready for him to shake it. Instead, he took my hand into his bringing my hand to his lips softly kissing it.

I looked over at Lena glaring at Zeke.

I took my hand from his, "Nice to meet you Zeke."

"It's a pleasure to meet you to, Lena talks about you all the time." he smiled towards Lena's way

I nodded, "You have a nice home." I complimented

"Oh thanks, I'm thinking about remodeling it...with Lena's artistic help if she's up to it." he pulled Lena into him placing his arm over he shoulder while she blushed.

I stood there awkwardly while they whispered things into each others ears.

I cleared my throat breaking whatever they were saying to one another as they looked towards me.

"Zeke are you gonna introduce Red to your friends?" she looked up at Zeke.

"I was just about to do that," he paused, "Aye fellas come here." he yelled waving his hand in his direction.

I looked behind me to see three men making there way towards us. One was bald headed, the other one was a white dude and the one next to him had on black shades.

I moved my body to that I would facing them. They approached us waiting for Zeke to speak to them. I looked up at them and saw the one with the shades staring at me. I diverted my eyes elsewhere, waiting for Zeke to say introduce me to these men.

"Yall already know Lena, but this is her friend Robin, but she likes to be called Red,'' he said, "Red, these are the detectives I work with in my department. This is my detective partner Roger," he pointed to the white guy.

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