Who Killed Jasmine Stewart?

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One cold winter day Jasmine was walking home when she was murdered. Everybody was trying to figure out why was she murdered did she piss somebody off or steal somebody boyfriend nobody really knew why she was murdered but all they knew was who ever did this was really mad at her everybody knew jasmine as a sweet, nice girl others knew her as mean, evil, heartless this is the story of how and why Jasmine Stewart was murdered...

It was one cold winter day as Jasmine was walking home from school on her way to her friend house who was sick to bring her some homework cause she was not at school today so Jasmine sat on her friend bed telling her all about the school day and what happpen but Jasmine face looked worried and scared so her friend Jade asked Jasmine whats wrong ? Jasmine said I have been getting threats from this one person i dont know who this person is its really starting to scare me see this person sent me a text message unknown. Jade said Well tell your mom or the police. Jasmine said they are not going to believe me but i gotta go im going to call you when i get home Jade said Okay be careful Jasmine said I will Bye. So as Jasmine walked out she recieved a text message from the person that wants to kill her the person texted YOU ARE GOING TO DIE TONITE then Jasmine texted back and said LEAVE ME ALONE PLEASE the person texted back NOT UNTIL YOUR BLOOD IS ON MY HANDS Jasmine didnt text back after that. So she hear some foot steps behind her and turn around but nobody is behind her she start thinking she is crazy until she hear them again and start walking faster and so does the person behind her so then she starts running and so does the person behind her then she start running even faster until she trip and twist her ankle and get out her phone to call somebody but she relize she droped it so she limp back to get her phone and the person comes up behind her but she doesnt relize it until she turns around and get stabbed and keep getting stabbed and the person say NOW I AM DONE BOTHERING YOU BITCH!.. Later That Nite Jasmine's Mom Call Jade and Ask Is Jasmine still over there? Jade said No she left hours ago Jasmine Mom said Okay thank you. Jade starts to get worried and put her clothes on and go over Jasmine house to help her mom and tell her mom what Jasmine told her today. Jade Knock On the door and Jasmine mom says Come in. Jade say I have something i need to tell you .Ms. Stewart(Jasmine Mom) said What is it? Jade said Today Jasmine came over and told me somebody was sending her threating text messages and calling her and threating her Ms. Stewart said Why didnt she tell me ? Jade said Jasmine said you wounldnt believe her.. Ms. Stewart said Okay Now We Really Have To Finf Her Jade Said I called and texted her phone but she didint answer. Jade and Ms. Stewart looked everywhere Jasmine could be and called some of her other friends to ask them have they seen her but they also decide to help find her to so they all decide to go home because its getting late and so does ms. stewart she stayed up all nite waiting to see if she would come home but she didnt early in the morning she get a knock at the door and get happy but it was the police. Ms. Stewart says Good Morning Officer. Policeman say Morning Ms.Stewart. We have bad news Ms. Stewart say What is it? Is it something with my daughter? The policeman says Im sorry but we found your daughter stabbed to death Ms. Stewart just break down crying and asking why.. The policeman asked do you know anybody that would want to harm her? Ms. Stewart Says No (crying) why you ask? policeman say well we found some text messages from a person saying she was going to die and they are not going to leave her alone until she is dead Ms. Stewart said who would do dis to my baby girl? policeman said i dont know but we are going to need a list of all her friends and their address and phone numbers Ms. Stewart say Okay and goes and get them. The Policeman said Ms. Stewart Your Daughter was also Raped Ms. Stewart says OMG! Cant you get a Dna off the percent sperm? Policeman says Yes we can and we are working on the case now and Ms did you know your daughter was with child? Ms. Stewart Says No I did not. Did The Baby die to? The Policeman says Yes but the man who stabbed her amed directly for her stomach so who ever it was knew she was with child and didnt want her to have it. Ms. Stewart Say Well She Has a boyfriend his name is Micheal Jones He should be at the school. The Policeman says thank you Ms. Stewart and again sorry for your lost. So the policeman head up to the school to find Micheal. Principal comes up to the police officers and ask what can i help you with officers? Policemen say we are looking for a student who was Jasmine Stewart Boyfrind? Principal says oh you are talking about Micheal he is in room 231 Policeman says thank you (walks off). Policemen knocks on the door and the teaches says come in the policeman say im looking for Micheal Jones. Micheal says Im right here the policeman says come here son we need to have a talk he says okay and gets his things. The policeman ask him Did you know Jasmine Stewart? Micheal said Yes. she is my girlfriend why? The policeman say I have bad news Jasmine was found in a alley stabbed to death Micheal says OMG! Is the baby okay?The policeman says You knew about the child? Micheal says Yeah!Its my child The policeman says Im sorry the child died during the attack. Micheal do you know anybody who wanted to harm Jasmine? Micheal says No not at all she was the sweetest person i know me and her planed on tell her mom today but its to late for that now. The police offcer said thank you for you time Oh Micheal I forgot to ask did she tell u about anybody txting and calling her non- stop? Micheal said No she didn't why? The Officer said because before she was murdered somebody txted her and said she was going to die Micheal said why didn't she tell me? The officer said she didn't tell anybody but Thank You for your time go back to class... To Be Continued....

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