Part 2: The Killer

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The Police Officer worked on the Case for months nobody would tell them what happen to Jasmine until one strange afternoon they got a call from a tip line that said i knows who killed Jasmine Stewart meet me at the corner of Blue street all the answers you need and want will be there the police officer  said alright i will be there but what time do you want me to meet you there? The stranger said 7:00pm and dont be late or else i will give the deal to someone else its plenty people who want to know who has killed her but im telling it to you but watch your back cause the killer is steal out there and will do anything to keep me or you quiet. The police officer said thank you sir see you at 7:00 the stranger said alright. So the officer told the rest of his staff to come with him just in case the guy try to pull something and then he got ready to go the officer got in the police car and drove to blue street the officer and his team sat there 7 mins before the man came and said Hello I am Darkness. Police Officer says Hello. So wat do you know about Jasmine Stewart being murdered? Darkness says The Night Jasmine was murdered i was walking to the gas station when i saw a Tall man come out of no where walking behind Jasmine and that was when Jasmine started walking faster and then started running and that was when he started running and after that he must have killed her The police officer asked Do you know this man? Darkness said Yeah.. Everybody knows him The Police Officer said who is he ? Darkness said On the Streets he known as a master mind killer in the officer he known as a officer of the law. The police officer said Wait! You telling me that one of the men on my team murderer? Darkness said The man i saw had on a officer outfit so yeah i am The Police officer said Okay Thank you sir. So the Police officer went back to the station and called a meeting the police officer anncouced Staff i have been informed that the killer of the stewart case is one of our own officers one of the officers said you may not know it be we are working with a killer . That was when he relize one of his officers wasnt there and hadent been there in weeks.The Poilice officer asked his staff where is Officer Phillps The staff said We dont know he told us a couple of weeks ago things are about to change. The Police Officer said OMG and Ran out  the door on his way he called Officer Phillps Cell phone but nobody answered he kept calling and calling but steal no answer so he went to his house knocked on the door rang the door bell but steal no answer so he busted the door open and that  was when he saw Jasmine picture on his table and other pictures of her naked and saw a knife with blood on it that was when he called the other officers and told them to get down there and take a look at all of this Officer Jones didnt know that's the officer name. Officer Jones didnt know Phillps was like this and on his bed it was letters and texts to Jasmine saying I want you and come see me and you are going to die and they also found pictures of other girls and on the pictures it said she is dead.... Officer Phillips was the murderer. TO BE CONTIUED IN OTHER STORIES SOON

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