Caught in action!

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Mikayla's POV-

Ever since me and roc... You know.. He has been distance with me. I mean he comes over and he kisses me a lot. He hugs me. He takes me on dates... But it's just I feel like something is up. I got up from my bed and put my shoes back on and grabbed my phone off the charger and texted roc. "Baby are you busy? I wanna come over 💙💖😘🙈💚💚💚💍" I texted with a whole bunch of cute emojis. I miss him. I didn't see him yesterday only in the afternoon for a minute. He texted back I picked it up and read it. "Sorry baby I'm not home. Studio with the guys. Later tonight I'll come over" he said. I was a bit sad but I understand. "Okay baby I love you" I said. No response after that. I got up and walked down and saw harmony and Jaden. "Hello my cuties" I said and laughed. I walked out and sat in front for a bit. I was really bored. "Bae you want shake shack?" Harmony said behind me. I laughed and nodded. "Yeah. I'll drive." Harmony took Jaden to the car and put him in the car seat. He was almost two months. Still pretty small. I got in and she did to I drove and parked. I saw a car just like rocs. Rocs car is red as you guys know and I only know of his. I just left it alone and got out and walked to the door with harmony behind me. I went inside and stood on line. I heard a semi loud laugh and I turned because I'm a creep and I saw a dark skin girl with a black, brown, and blonde weave. Kinda like the girl from the car with roc. I kept staring and I noticed who the boy was. Roc. He was with her. I tapped harmony and pointed. She got so angry. She tried walking over there but I pulled her back and went to the other side of shack shack and took my phone out. He was laughing some. I called him right away it rang a few times and he answered. "Hey baby.." I said watching. His face got serious. "Hey baby." He said and put his finger over her lips to keep her quiet. She stood quiet and smiled. "Can you come over? I don't feel to well..." I said. "Baby I'm with the guys... I'll try my hardest okay?" He said lying to me in my face. I just stood up and tears formed in my eyes and I yelled with the phone in my ear still "FUCKING LIAR!!!!" I yelled really loud and he turned fast and she looked at me. He stood up and gilt was all over his face. I ran out and went to my car. I saw harmony with Jaden in the car seat and she was yelling moving her arms around. I was standing outside crying and paparazzi came out of no where. This is a first... "Mikayla!" "Mikayla over here!" "Mikayla why are you crying?" They all said I went in my car and drove off. It's still day time so there was no flashing cameras. I drove and stopped at a red light a started crying. I couldn't believe this... I drove to Roc's house. I'm so hurt. I got out and he called and I ignored it and I walked to the door and used the spare key he gave me and I went to his room. Nobody was home.

I walked up to his room. He thinks he can cheat on me?! No! I'm not letting this get by! I went to his top dresser and took out scissors and I went in his closet and grabbed his sneakers I got him to match with me I cut the laces. I started crying and I cut everything. I saw his Gucci belt on his bed I grabbed it and cut it. I cried harder and I started messing up his room and threw his clothes everywhere. He cheated on me after I was so loyal to him. He hurt me! I didn't do anything to him! I looked around and cried and walked out the house and went to my car and drove to my house. I can't believe he cheated on me. I went to Starbucks and went online and I saw my phone and saw a text from roc 'Baby I'm so sorry!' It said I left it alone. "Hi welcome to Starbucks" the guy said. I went up to the register. I looked at the menu. "large Carmel frappe" I said and took my card out. "You okay ms?" The guy in the register said. I nodded looking for my card in my bag. I know it's here. I don't wanna pay with cash right now. "Your not okay ms... Just sit .. I'll pay for it for you." He said. I looked at him and nodded and walked to a seat and put my head down. I was so embarrassed. About 5 minutes later he came and sat next to me. "You can talk to me... Even if I'm a stranger" he said and sat a straw by my arm. I looked up "My boyfriend cheated on me.." I said and broke down. "I went to his house and cut all his shit up" I said. "Wow.... I'm sorry. But if you was my girlfriend I would be scared. I would also not let you go. Your beautiful" he said. I smiled "thank you" I said. He's actually not ugly. He has a Carmel skin color. He has tattoos on his hands and neck. I don't know how he got a job at Starbucks. He gave me a napkin with his number. "Text me sometime." He said and got up. I stood up with my coffee and I grabbed the napkin. I didn't get his name. "Wait I didn't get your name" I said. He turned and looked at me "Call me D" he said and walked back to his register. "D..." I said low and walked out and drove home. When I got home. No surprise I saw chres there he came to me and grabbed my hand. "Mikayla... I was so stupid for cheating on you. I love you so much. I don't know what I'll do without you." He said and got on his knees holding my hand. I pushed him away. "NO! You cheated on me!!!" I yelled and tears was coming down my face.

I wiped my eyes quickly. "You hurt me. I love you with everything in me. You cheated on me more than once. More than once. Leave. Your not welcomed here anymore! We are done!" I said and ran upstairs to my room. "Mikayla sweetie?" My mom said and came in my room. I laid on my bed and she laid next to me. "Mommy it took everything in me not to take him back!" I said crying on her. She held me and rocked me and rubbed my head. "I know it hurts now." She said. "I know it does hurt" I said. "Mommy I love him" I said and covered my face. "If love was meant to be, it would work out" she said and got up. "You hungry?" She asked me. I shook my head no and went under the blanket and laid down and closed my eyes.











Hey guys. I just wanna say thank you. I was going to delete this story a few times. I feel it's stupid. But thank you guys for commenting and becoming fans and stuff. I promise I'll update this whole weekend! Monday... The sequel starts! 💚 thanks again! Oh! And I need help thinking of a name for the sequel! 🙈



Comment , Vote & Fan! Next chapter will be posted tonight!

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