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*Later That Evening*

Anthony's POV

I get back home from an awesome day with Valerie and find Ian in his room writing. "Hey Ian." He turns quickly.

"Hey Ant, what's up?" He seems like he's in a good mood.

"Just got back from Valerie's house. How was your day?"

"Awesome. Lauren is really great."

"That's great. Are you going to see her again?"

"Hopefully, she asked me to call her later."

"Alright man, I'm happy for you." I say in a cheesy voice and laugh.

"Oh shut up!" He laughs too.

I walk out of his room and to the kitchen. Ian's obviously too excited to be bothered to cook dinner. I spot some left over pizza and I put a couple slices in the microwave. "IAN, YOU WANT SOME PIZZA?!" I call from the kitchen.

"YES!" He yells from his room. Yelling is a common occurrence in our house. Both of us are too lazy to go back and forth between rooms all the time. The timer goes off and slide another plate in then I carry the other to Ian. "Thanks man."

I walk back to the kitchen and wait on my food. I start thinking about the story Valerie told me. It really shouldn't bother me that much but it really just makes me think. Once my pizza is done  heating I start scarfing my face and start checking my mentions on twitter. I usually reply to a couple of fans while I'm eating alone. It's sort of my down time.

After a reply to a handful of tweets, I decide to go to bed to lay down. It's still early but I'm feeling super lazy. Valerie must be rubbing off on me. I laugh to myself and my phone lights up, it's Valerie. Just seeing her name on the screen makes me smile.

Had a fun time today.(: Too bad I can't see you till Friday.:/

Why, what are you doing this week?

Work.:( I'll be busy every day until Friday. I hadn't even realized Valerie worked. Guess I never asked.

What do you do?:o

I'm a hair stylist.:3

Good, then you can give Ian a new haircut! I'm sick of seeing that bowl on top of his head!xD

I wouldn't dream of cutting Ian's hair. It's perfect.<3 x)

Since when do you have a crush on Ian?xD Should I be jealous?>:(

I don't have a crush on Ian! I just have a crush on his hair...and his eyes.;3

Anything else?x(


Never mind, I don't want to know.-.-

Awe, you know I'm kidding.xD :3 You have nothing to be jealous of.<3

Alright.:3 <3 Oh, & btw I so totes have a crush on his eyes too.;D

Oh my gosh.xD I'm telling him.(;

Nooooo, I'm just kidding. You better not!

Too late.(;


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