New Day

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*The Next Morning*

Anthony's POV

I wake up with a smile on my face, instantly recalling last night. I try and wipe the dopey look off of my face as I walk to the living room. Ian is already awake and sitting on the couch. I check the time, he is never up this early an a Sunday. "Hey man."

"Hey." He scoops up a spoon full of cereal and continues to eat.

"Why are you up so early?"

"I have plans later."

"Who with? Your mom?" I sit on the couch next to him and nudge his arm jokingly.

"Well for your information, I have a date." He says, holding back a smile.

"Whoa man, I'm so sorry I doubted your awesome lady-charmer skills." I laugh. He makes a 'ha-ha-very-funny-face' at me. "So who with?"

"This hottie I met at the park yesterday. I found her dog and so she's taking me to lunch. I've been texting her since, she's really funny man."

"Ha, that's cool. She sounds perfect for you." He smiles and continues eating and watching tv as I get up to pour myself a bowl of cereal. I sit back down next to him and eat my Cocoa Puffs. "Since you're going to be gone, I might as well go see Valerie." He "Mhm"s me, obviously distracted. I just remembered, I still didn't get her number. "Ian where's your phone? I need Valerie's number." He almost spits out his Captain Crunch. 

"Dude, I thought you were with her yesterday. You were gone all night, I thought things went well?"

"I was, and they did. I just forgot to get her number." He sighs and reaches for his phone in his pocket then hands it over. "I almost thought you goofed up again. So what did happen?"

"We went for ice cream and I took her to the drive-in."

"Old-School, classy...I like it." He nods in approval. "How did your night end? Eh, eh?" I shake my head and laugh at him. "What, nothing happened? You're the one who needs to brush up on your game." He laughs.

"Or maybe I'm just too much of a gentlemen to kiss and tell." I toss him his phone back and quickly get up from the couch and run to my room before he can bombard me with a million questions. I can already hear him whining for me to go back so he can get some answers. I'm not the type of guy who parades around, boasting about his latest accomplishment with a girl. I can't say the same for Ian. We're actually really different when it comes to girls and dating. I think I'm more relaxed, and Ian's just...Ian.

I sit at my desk and send a text to Valerie.

Good morning Beautiful.(: -Anthony

She replies five minutes later.

It's too early to be texting.:((

She's obviously not a morning person, that or just really lazy.

Too bad, conversation started.>:)

Wah. Good morning I guess.:3 x)

That's the spirit.xD So, watcha doing later?

I have no plans as of now. Why?

We should hangout.:3

Aren't you getting sick of me yet? Jeez.

No, never.>:D 

Fine. Later though. I have no intentions of getting out of bed soon.:b

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