Holding On

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Anthony's POV

Now it's just me and Valerie. We sit back down for a while, just watching tv. I'm hesitant to ask her when she wants to leave for several reasons. Eventually I feel the need to ask, just incase she wants to leave but is too shy to speak up.

"Do you want to go home now? Sorry, I probably should have asked you sooner." 

"Oh, um...sure." 

"I don't mean to kick you out or anything! I was just asking.." He trailed off. 

"Oh, don't worry about it." She gets up 

"Alright. Let me just go get my keys." I go to my room and grab my keys. I look at my reflection in the mirror and think to myself. My palms are sweating. The thought of asking Valerie out is making me more nervous than it should. I sigh and walk back out to the living room. She's standing there, waiting and looking so beautiful. "Are you ready?" She nods yes and then walk to my car. I open the door for her and she smiles. It was a sweet smile. We get in the car and leave.

 The car ride was quiet. The radio was turned on low and occasionally she would give me directions. It wasn't long before we arrived at her apartment. I park and we both get out of the car. I walked her to her door. "Valerie.." I was going to do it. I was going to ask her out. Before I could finish, she immediately grabbed onto me and hugged me tightly. I was thrown off for a moment then I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her back.

"Thank you so much Anthony." She said, still holding eachother. I stayed silent, when she pulled away I gave her a simple nod. We stood for a moment in plain silence. I was studying her face, her expression changed in a matter of seconds. I was confused. She looked away quickly grabbed her keys, then opening her door. "Bye Anthony." She said in a sad tone. She looked up at me for a second as I could only manage a simple "Bye." She closed the door and just like that she was gone. What was that? I buried my hands in my face and I tried to figure out what upset her. Idiot. I didn't ask her out. That silence was my cue and I just stood there. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I feel so embarrassed. I shamefully walk to my car and drive home. I'm so angry at myself.

Valerie's POV

I close the door behind me and shut my eyes hard. You idiot. Why did you get your hopes up? Why would he ever ask me out? He can do so much better. What was I thinking. I started to cry. This break down has been festering up since before I moved. I feel so utterly hopeless. I slide down against my door, sitting on floor crying with my head in my hands. Oh, what good is this going to do. I always find it so hard to feel sorry for myself. I get up and wash my face. I stare at the mirror for a while then go change into my pajamas. It was too early to go to sleep but I was too sad to be awake. I grabbed my iPod and started listening to a playlist I made that made me tired. I drowned the world out and then I went to sleep.

Anthony's POV

I get home and I'm still angry at myself. I turn on the shower, making the water very hot. I get undressed and climb in. I stand there under the running water, thinking about the mistake I made.

I hear the door open, Ian is home. I looked down to see how wrinkly and pruny my fingers are. I hadn't realized how long I had been standing there. I turned the shower off, grabbed a towel and dried off, and left the bathroom with it around my waist.

"Hey man, how'd it go with Valerie?" Ian asked from the living room. I ignored him and got dressed in my room. I came out minutes later. Ian could tell I wasn't in the greatest mood. "I picked up a couple burgers and some fries." He got his food and sat down to eat. I got my food and followed him. We were eating quietly until I got a little restless.

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