Chapter 7 ♛

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Chapter 7

Song: Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran


My legs and arms are so tired. My legs started to give up on me as we pulled the boat on to the shore as we reached the island. Once it was away from the splashing waves I let my whole body fall.

I laid on the sand trying to calm my hard breathing down. I put my arm over my eyes covering the sun. Soon I felt Justin fall next to me. And I don't know how long we laid there, we both were really exhausted.

"What now?" I say breathless. I hear him groan,

"I don't know, let's go" Justin stands up and walks towards the boat and pulls in further away from the waves, so now it's almost in the middle of the sand.

"Go where?" I walk over to him and look over his shoulder.

"Out there" He points to the forest behind me.

It looks so scary and he wants me to go in there? no way.

"In there?" My eyes widen, "No way! Justin when people in movies go in to scary looking forest like those" I look back and point,"They don't come back."

A smile peeked at the edge of Justin's mouth. Is he laughing at me?

"Justin am being serious!" I say louder

"We have to Ariana it's the only way, I mean I know where not going to fined a 5 star hotel here but we can probably find people or shelter" Justin says. But I still don't say anything, he notices that am still worried and his hand makes his way to my face.

His thumb smooth over my cheek as his eyes glowed in sympathi. "We'll be okay. I promise I won't let anyone or anything harm you."

I sigh and give him a reasuring smile. He takes my hand and goes to the boat.

"Do you meed to take anything?" He asks me as he looks inside the boat

"Um I'll just take my purse" I reach inside and take my purse

Justin hopes inside and under one of the seats theres a box. Inside theres a bunch of things you need if you ever got lost at sea. There was a flar gun, one of those pocket nifes, spare betteries and a blanket. He takes the flar gun and the pocket nifes putting it in his pocket.

"What are you doing?" Justin pulled the boat further away from the shore, so it was now under the shade of some palm trees.

"Just in case the water gets higher"

I nodded and walked towards him. I took my phone out and checked if there was a signal. But there was nothing.

"Come one lets get moving, its going to get dark soon." Justin says. And takes my hand, "Stay close, okay" He starts walking into the forest

"Okay" I say following behind him.


We've walked for what felt like hours. We walked up and down of huge hills, climbed trees, yes I know but we need to get up higher to see any signs of life, but nothing.

"Justin?" I say out of breath and regretting for putting in flats this morning.

"Yeah?" Justin is ahead of me pushing bushes and leafs out of the way. He's just as exhausted as I am.

He turns are and regards me. There is swear dripping down his forehead.

"I know. this heat is not doing us any favors" He laughes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2014 ⏰

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