Ann gripped the arm of her chair, "I will be...delighted to offer the kind knight and his retinue hospitality, of course." The words struggled to come out of her mouth, but she chose them with care, well aware that the scribe was recording everything.

Then she straightened, looking at her aides, "Is that all?"

"There are some alarming tidings from the Wildlands, your highness" This time it was Duncan to speak.

Ann tensed. Duncan was a reserved man, but now he looked more serious than usual.

"It appears that the Summermers and the Temple are trying to organize a Holy Raid."

Ann sighed with relief, "That's nothing new, Duncan. Highlord Alfric Alhstrom will deny them passage as usual." She gave a dismissive wave of her hand.

Duncan, however, didn't seem to share her optimism, "But my queen...Alfric Alhstrom didn't refuse this time."

Ann stilled, "What? Are you telling me...he accepted?" She sounded incredulous.

"We have no definitive proof..."Rowley interjected, "But it seems likely, your Highness."   

Duncan looked grim, "Two years ago Highlord Alhstrom allowed the white gowns to preach in his lands. I am afraid that granting the Temple's army safe passage..." He trailed off, but the meaning was clear.

Ann's whole body tensed as anxiety swirled through her.

The only time when the Highlords forged an alliance was two hundred years ago. And when that happened, the Coppertons lost everything.

She squared her shoulders and did what her mother had taught her to do: she brazenly bluffed,  pretending the news hadn't shocked her, "Send your spies to Thunderfield." She ordered Rowley, "I want to know what's really going on between these two Great Houses."

It worked well. She'd had a lot of training, after all. Her voice sounded strong and firm, filled with the authority of a real queen.

No matter what, I can't allow them to join forces. Individually, the Highlords are hard to deal with, but together...

Ann rose, "And send your men to tail Ser Godfrey. Discretely of course. I want to catch him in the act if possible."

"Of course, your majesty" Rowley's smile was a bit mellifluous, his small brown eyes shining brightly.

Ann ignored him and rubbed her shoulders, "We'll discuss the other matters tomorrow. This will be all for now. Thank you." Ann dismissed them.

Rowley bowed and quickly left. Duncan tried to wake up Adept Adolar, but the old scholar kept snoring, blissfully unaware both the Queen and the captain of the royal guard were looking at him. When he finally succeeded, her old mentor profusely apologized to her, wiping off the drool off his chin before limping out of the room. Duncan was about to do the same when Ann called him.

"Duncan, stay." She said to him and ordered the servants to leave.

Soon only the two of them were left.

The royal knight lifted an eyebrow, "My queen?"

"We still haven't talked about your new role as the captain of the royal guard. I hope you weren't surprised." She winked at him, teasing him a bit.

"I was." Duncan honestly admitted, "I thought a lot about it, my queen, and I think I am not worthy of such an honor..." He began, but Ann raised her hand.

"There is no one more worthy than you, my friend."

Duncan seemed unconvinced. He shook his head, "Without a doubt, there are many people more wise, experienced and.."

SoulseekerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon