The captain of the royal guard slightly bowed. Anna looked at him before nodding, urging Rowley to continue. The right to nominate the captain of the royal guard was one of the few privileges the queen had left.

"Wayne Decker, the commander of the fleet and Edward Kinshaw, the minister of commerce, are both vassals of the Anchorvys."

Anna didn't even blink. Theoretically, House Anchorvy and the merchant guild were two separate entities. In reality, it was a cadet of House Anchorvy that had established the merchant guild seven hundred years ago and the family still controlled it.

"Lycus Florianus is the lord treasurer for House Avernus and Ser Robert Godfrey the Great Marshal for House Alhstrom. Bishop Almericus is the Court Chaplain for the Temple of Dawn and...Clifton is the Chamberlain."

Her face hardened when Rowley mentioned the Chamberlain, "Clifton?" She asked, noticing that Rowley hadn't mentioned his surname, "What about his house?"

"My queen..."Rowley faked a cough, "He doesn't have one. He was a troubadour and...a comedian before coming to Fivestar." He awkwardly said.

"Comedian?" She repeated, unable to understand what he meant at first.

Then she turned scarlet, her lips drawing back in a snarl, "A buffoon?" She hissed.

Rowley squirmed in his seat, confirming her theory.

She was nearly afraid to ask, but she had to, "Who? Who does he answer to?"

"Highlord Bernard Summermere" It wasn't Rowley to answer, but Duncan who remained silent at her side so far.

So it's true. It's the Summermers' nominee.

"And the High Cleric together with him, no doubt" Rowley interjected.

However, the old Adept chose that moment to wake up.

"The High Cleric is not a man to use sneaky tactics." He contradicted him before glancing at Ann, "He is not your friend, and he will never be, but he has nothing to gain by shaming the crown publicly," He looked more clear-headed now.

"The Temple had done it for centuries." Ann objected, fighting the urge to scream.

"Perhaps. But remember, the Temple is not as united as you think. There are factions within it. I'm afraid this is the work of someone much more radical than the High Cleric. Maybe..."

Duncan, Rowley, and Ann stayed quiet, carefully listening to Adolar's words, but the old man didn't talk anymore. Ann awkwardly smiled as she realized her old mentor had already closed his eyes and was snoring.

Rowley cleared his throat, "Maybe the High Cleric is not directly involved," He admitted, though he didn't seem convinced, "But without a doubt the Summermeres are."

Ann looked at Duncan, asking for his advice.

The Captain shrugged, "There is only one way to find out."

Ann closed her eyes and took a deep breath. They were full of determination when she reopened them, "I want the Chamberlain followed, day and night. No matter where he goes or who he meets. I want to know everything about him." She ordered Rowley.

He bowed, "Of course, my Queen."

Ann raised her chin, "What about the other councilors? Have you discovered anything useful?"

Rowley scratched his black beard, "As your majesty knows, all the councilors came from far away. They are cadets, sons of minor houses. I suspect the Highlords did this on purpose. They want to make it harder for us to find something about them."

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