Tara raises her hand.

Mia nodded. "Yeah?"

Tara narrowed her eyes at the board, pointing. "Is that supposed to be me and Luke having sex?" I looked closely at the horribly drawn stick figures having sex.

Mia quickly turned the board back to her, hugging it. "That's not important." She looked elsewhere in the room, biting her lip. "What is, is that guys are once again trying to decide what is best for our bodies when they know fuck all."

Tara nodded. "Amen to that."

I frowned. "Wait hold..."

Mia cut me off. "Now, I say you use that sexy little body of yours and work the power of your pussy to get that pussy poppin..."

I threw my hands up. "Wait just a min..."

Tara sat up, shushing me. "You know I did just that yesterday, and I swear he almost fucked me in the bathroom."

Mia pointed her ruler at her smiling. "See! Now you go above and beyond..."

"Hold up!" I shouted standing up.

Mia frowned. "I'm sorry, you don't have the ruler, so you don't have the flo... hey!" She protested as I snatched the ruler.

"Would you two listen!" I waved the ruler.

Mia gestured to the ruler in my hands. "I mean you have the ruler..." I glared at her, making her throw hands up. "Okay!"

"Now, when you say you used your body to basically force men to do whatever it is that you want. Have you ever contemplated why it is that they haven't attempted it in the first place. I mean for all you know he could be a virgin, waiting for the right moment."

Tara snorted. "Yeah right, he's not a virgin."

I folded my arms. "And how do you know that."

"He told me." She states matter of factly.

I frowned. "Oh well, maybe it's not about him. But it's how he wants to make the experience for you when you lose yours. Maybe his first time was so lousy and unmemorable that he wants to make sure you have the best. He just wants to make sure you're really ready. That's probably what it is, he feels that you aren't ready. Have you even talked to him about it?"

"All the time, I've even told him that I didn't care if he fucked me in the school parking lot. The thing is, as long as I am comfortable, willing and ready. The place isn't what matters, it's the person you're with. And besides, I'm not the romantic, wine and dine gal. Fuck me and let's go eat tacos after. And so help me, if I hear your not ready one more time!"

I just blinked. "Well..."

"And this!" Mia gestured towards me. "This is why we don't let boys decide what to do with our bodies." She started clapping. "Thanks for the demonstration Felix really." She held her hand out. "Ruler." I rolled my eyes and handed her the ruler. "Now back to what I was saying.... What was I saying?"

"I believe you were telling me to pop my pussy." Tara chimed in.

Mia clapped pointing at her with the ruler. "Right! So in order to get that pussy popped you..."

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"So wait, Landon's an underground fighter and I'm just finding out about this?" I frowned as Mia and Tara we're finishing up getting ready for some match Landon had tonight.

Mia wiped the side of her mouth off to fix the lipstick smudge. "Yup." She ran a hand through her curls. "They call him the terrorizer or something like that."

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