You can be Beaut-I mean cute

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Thomas' PoV
Sure I hated Alexander and his guts but I guess it was because I wasn't able to see the sweet side of him,I mean when I met him, he looked charming but his attitude were Different ,but here he looks as if he is childish person and let me just say he is one.While heading back to the camp,James made fun of my hair filled with petals,but I reminded him he had flowers in his hair so he stopped talking after that.Alexander led us to his tent so we could socialize a bit but when got to front of his tent we saw,what's his name again....oh yes John!When Alex saw John,he dashed over there and placed some extra flowers into john's hair.Alex was shorter than John so he had to tippy-toe to reach John's curly hair,he than ran back to us and Pulled me and James over to John,For a small little man,he was quite strong.James,John and I introduced each other and then we chatted until John was called to help with something.When John left Alex frowned, "Everything going ok?"I ask Alexander,he looked up thanks to his height he had to lift his head really high just to see my face. "Ya,I'm a bit jealous,John gets to help fight and all I get to do is write,I mean even Lafayette gets to fight!You do know who is or do you want me to introduce you" "No I'm good"I said interrupted Alex "Thomas where are your manners!"James yelled at me and pulled me aside. "He's like 20,19 or something,please try to be polite to him."He whispered "When did you get to defensive for Alex?"I responded,but then I saw something I would never thought would happen,James blushed but then he came back saying"When did you call Hamilton,Alex?"Which I responded with a blush. "Draw?" "Draw"We then proceeded to return to Alex.

When we arrived backed to Alex's tent I saw no one there,I looked around but Alex wasn't anywhere near his tent,he wasn't even in his tent.James was asking a soldier some questions so,I had to go to look for Alex on my own.I realize I was getting worried about Hamilton,I guess that little guy put us in his adorable spell.James ran over to me and pulled me,I just went with the flow,and soon we were at tent far from Alexander's. "Hello?"James said since there was no door there,then out came Alexander with a hand with bandages around it,then came out a confused Lafayette behind him. "Petite lion,do you know theze people?"Lafayette said in his famous French accent.Alexander nodded with a smile, "This is James,and that's Thomas."He said pointing at first James then me.Lafayette smile,he was about to greet us but then he looked behind us,James and I turned to see who it was and guess who it was,It was the 'all knowing' Aaron burr.I grinned and saw James grin as well.

"Well if it isn't,Mr.Aaron burr"

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