Sweet boy

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Thomas' POV
Setting-The Soldier Camp
I looked around and saw Alexander but he wasn't by himself.Lafayette was with him and he was shedding tears onto Alexander,I hid behind the tree Alexander was leaning on and listened. "It's okay."Alexander whispered loud enough for me to hear, "my father wasn't around,But Me and George will be around for you."Alexander sang,I never noticed how good he was at singing,Then all I heard were sniffs that were followed with"Ya I will remember that, Mon ami"Lafayette said walking off,after Lafayette disappeared into a tent,I blinked and noticed Alexander disappeared as well,I turned and sat down onto the grass, "You know spying isn't really nice,I can tell George about this,if you think about telling your generals any information you found"Someone besides me said,I turned and saw Alexander crouching down looking at me with a sword in his hands,Even though he has a sword in his hands he looks adorable. "I am Thomas Jefferson,And no I do not work for the British"I said standing up "oh your the person who sent that letter to George"He said putting away the sword, "Follow me George is waiting for you" He made a Signal that told me to follow him and he led me to George's tent where James and George were speaking. "George,Mr.Jefferson is here"Alexander said,but I interrupted him "Please call me Thomas,I'm not a big fan of getting addressed by my last name"I then smiled at him and he replied with a nod.

"So how are you Thomas?Also don't worry about hiding that spell secret from me,James told me about it,and yes your free to watch and talk to the soldiers and others.I'm not that harsh"George said right after Alexander walked off with James. "So.....Am I still handsome in the future?"George joked as he came over to me "You look good,but not as devilish as me."I joked back making him laugh. "If you want to learn about my son,I recommend you talk to either him or his most trusted friends.Hercules,Lafayette and John,do you know any of them?"George said bring me out into the fresh cold autumn breeze again. "I know Lafayette but,I don't believe he knows me and for the other members,I'm not aware of them."I said looking out at all the soldiers working and socializing. "Well Hercules is boy over there with the dark chocolate skin and the red bandanna" He said pointing at a man talking to soldiers that seem to be ill or wounded,giving them either a smile or a laugh.George then pointed at a boy with freckles all over his face,that was talking to Lafayette, "and that boy is John,I hope you have great time." Before George went inside his tent I said, "wait,am I allowed to visit sometime?"George turned around and smiled at me then he nod,Then he proceeded to get inside his tent.

I started to look for James and Alex,But I couldn't see them so I decided to ask a soldier and they pointed at a Greenish Forests with blooming flowers planted around it.I walked through the flowers trying not to kill them and there I saw James lying down on a patch of flowers.I looked around for Alexander but I didn't see him so I was gonna wake James up until I heard. "Oh hello Creepy Man!"Alexander said jumping off a tree and placing a blue flower crown on James' head and a green on his,but out of all the names he chose to call me creepy man,so childish. "Flower crowns really?Aren't you a grown man?"I said as he decorated me hair with purple lilacs and lavenders. "So?I never really got to act like a child as a kid.Papa would always just hit me if I acted a bit immature."He said as finally placed a purple flower crown on my head.I felt sorry for him but I wasn't sad because before I knew it,I was getting flowers all around me.Some Hours past and James finally woke up,he was greeted with a sleepy Alexander besides him on my lap. "What did you guys do?"James said trying to get me to spill some tea that wasn't in a cup. "Nothing,just goof around."I said while fixing my hair,I took out over flower except a purple one Alexander hugged,What it was adorable to watch him hug a little flower!

Author's note
Sorry about my absents,I've gotten story of my own to work on for school so I lost time to work on this story.

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