"Dad. It might not even be science! So just. Let. It. Go." You say

"Fine" they exclaim and they let go.

Now it's was Bruce's turn.

He puts both hands on the hammer and puts his legs on the table too.

He tries lifting it up and he yells.
He jumps off and throws his hands out to his sides still yelling.

Everyone was amused at what he was doing because it was hilarious.

Now Steve goes up.

"Go ahead Steve no pressure." Tony says
"WHOOP!" You exclaim and popcorn goes everywhere.

Some landed in Peters mouth and hair, some in Thor's hair, some in Natasha's drink.
Which you freaked out by the way since she was drinking out of a bottle and the popcorn would be hard to get in unless you pushed it down.

Steve rolls his sleeves up and grabs onto the hammer.
"Come on Cap." Tony says

He starts trying to lift it and it moves a little.
Thor's face drops.

Steve keeps on trying to lift it but eventually gave up due to the hardness of trying to lift it.

Thor's face goes back to amused. And he laughs.
"Nothing" He say laughing and taking a sip of his drink.

"And, Widow?" Tony asks
"Oh, no,no. That's not a question I need answered.
"All deference to the man who wouldn't be king, but it's rigged." Tony
"You beg your a**" Tony says


"Steve he said a bad language word!" Maria says

"Did you tell everyone about that?" Steve asks Tony.

"HE TOLD ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE!" You exclaim throwing popcorn at Steve.

Then you throw popcorn at Peters face and 2 of them land in his face.
"YEAHHHHH!" You exclaim as Peter throws his hands up in the air in victory.

"The handles imprinted right? Like a security code." Tony says

"Whosoever is carrying Thor's fingerprints, is, I think, the literal translation." Tony says
"HA!" You exclaim and throw popcorn at your dad.

"Yes. It's a very, very interesting theory. I have a simpler one." Thor says picking up the  hammer.
He flips it.

"You're all not worthy." He says casually.

A mix of grunts, "oh come ons!", and complaints are said.

"Hey! Let the kids have a go!" Tony says
Thor puts the hammer back down and sits back down.

"Oh. No." Peter says
"Yeah.. we'll pass." You say
"Come on!" Steve says

You look at Peter.
He just shrugs.
You look at the rest of your family and they're all looking at you.
"Fine! Peter go first." You say

"What?!" He exclaims
"GO!" Bruce says

Peter gets up and tries to lift the hammer but he doesn't.
After a few tries and using his webs to help him nothing works.

"I give up." He says and sits back down next to you.

"Y/n, y/n,Y/n, y/n,Y/n, y/n!!!" They all exclaim hitting the table.

"Fine!" You exclaim

"If you lift its I owe you anything you want!" Thor says laughing.
"I will make sure you will live up to that. But it might not happen." You say getting up.

"Why not?" Nat asks
"You've all tried! Who says I'm going to lift it?" You exclaim

"Just try it!" Tony says

You go up to the hammer and grab the handle.
You lift it up with ease.

You're eyes widen as you realize what's going on.

Everyone was looking at you as their eyes wide, and their jaws dropped.

"WHAT THE FU-." You start
"LANGUAGE!" Steve exclaims.

"She's worthy." Thor says

"THATS MY GIRLFRIEND!" Peter exclaims

"Congratulations lady Y/n. You are worthy of Mjolnir." Thor says

You put it back down and your family starts talking about how awesome that was.

Your POV
I was now in my room reading a book with Peter.

"That was awesome." He says mentioning me lifting the hammer.

"It was. That was cool!" I exclaim.

Peter looks at his phone and scrunches up his nose at the time.

"Do you have to go home?" I ask
"Yeah. May would be worried if I got home at 1am." He says

"Ok." I say

He gets up and goes to the window, I follow .

Before he head out the window he turns to me.
We kiss and he wraps his arms around my waist and i wrap my arms around his neck.

We stay like that for a few moments before we had to break away for  breath.

"I love you." I say
"I love you too Y/n." He says

I smile and he smiles back at me.

Then he climbs out the window and swing off into the city towards his apartment.

I head to my bed and pull the blankets over me,
And I drift off into a peaceful sleep.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while!
School, and yeah...😂
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
Have a great day and stay awesome guys!
Word count:1331

Peter Parker/Tom Holland imagines!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora