{Part Eleven ~ Heather's POV}

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My shift seemed to drag on and I was counting down the minutes until I could go home and relax with Anne. Normally, work wasn't too bad but on days like today, it was terrible. What made it bad was customers, greasers and Socs alike, thinking they can get handsy. To make it worse, I couldn't do anything without risking my job.
I had just finished for the time being when the door opened and a familiar face entered.
"Hey, Dally. I got room for you in the corner booth." He smiled and I lead him to the table.
I left him with a menu and went to fetch the milkshake that was ready for the table next to Dallas.
I placed the shake on the table and smiled, "Can I get you anything else?" The man just bit his lip so I went to Dally's table. He just ordered a shake so I turned to take the order to the kitchen. As I walked past the last table I went to, I felt another customer get handsy. I turned back and saw him getting high fives from his friends. I took a deep breath and continued on, reminding myself I needed this job to support Anne.
I waited in the kitchen while the cook made Dally's shake.
I left the kitchen with his shake only to be met with chaos in the dining area. At the center of it all was Dally, punching the tar out of the boy that'd grabbed me.
I ran to them and grabbed Dally's elbow when he pulled back to punch again. He turned back to me with a face filled with rage.
I must have imagined it but I could have sworn his features softened after a second.
I held onto his arm, "Dal, please stop." My voice was quiet but it must have gotten through because he dropped his arms, huffed, and stepped away from the guy with a bloody face.
I waved over one of the waiters and asked him to clean up the guy while I checked on Dally.
I found him out front, dragging on a cigarette.
I walked up behind him, "Are you alright?"
He turned around and scoffed, "Am I alright? I think I should be asking if you're alright!"
I shrugged it off, "I'm fine. I've gotten used to it. I'm not the one who got in a fight, so, are you alright?"
He nodded, "I'm fine, but I've got to ask, why didn't you hit him when it happened?"
I sighed, "It's not that I don't want to, but I can't without getting fired."
He shook his head at the ground and took another puff of his cigarette.
When he blew out, it went in my face amd I couldn't stop myself from coughing.
He raised an eyebrow at me, "You don't smoke?"
I shook my head, "I saw what it did with my father. Also, I won't risk making Anne sick from secondhand smoke."
He nodded and made sure to blow the smoke away from me.
I suddenly got an idea, "I'm off in ten. If you want to stick around, we can go grab a coke?"
He smirked, "Sounds good, doll." I handed him the shake he'd ordered for the mean time.
I smiled and went back in to finish my shift.
I was out the door the second the clock hit eight.
I started walking when Dallas stopped me, "You know, I got my car here." He gestured to a car the same shade of red as my lipstick.
He must have noticed because he kept glancing at my lips.
We pulled into a lot, "Coke or pepsi?"
My decision took no thought, "Coke please."
I went to climb out but he stopped me so, instead I handed him the money. He rolled his eyes but took it. He returned a minute later and handed me my money and a coke.
"Thank you, Dallas."
He smiled back at me as he popped open his own coke.

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