Kokichi Ouma x mermaid Reader (part two)

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Requested by PianofreakAkamatsu (the tag didn't work)


Me and Ouma hanged out for a while getting to know each other

There hasn't been a murder in a while and it was really peaceful, even though Akamatsu, Amami Toujo And Hoshi

Until Korekiyo came to me with a knife while I was sitting near the pool

"K-Korekiyo-Kun?  W-why do you h-have a knife?!"

I back away terrified

Korekiyo: well I might as well bring another friend to my sister, since I need to make 100 friends

Korekiyo charged towards me with the knife and attepted to stab me

I didn't know what to do so I only dodged the knife until he stabbed me in the guts

I screamed in pain and Korekiyo let his guard down I took advantage of that and  took both of his hands, held them behind his back then went into the water with Korekiyo so he would drowned while I was I turned into my mermaid form so I wouldn't drown

When Korekiyo drowned to death I went out of the water bleeding still

Ouma came to the pool since he was the only one that heard the scream then saw me with a wound and Korekiyo's body

Ouma: y-your bleeding!  And Korekiyo-Kun is dead!

"Yeah...I'm sorry...I murdered him since he tried to kill me"

Ouma: I won't let you die!  Let's get you to a hospital!

Ouma helped me get to the hospital as I turned back into my human form

Ouma wrapped bandages around my waist so stop the wound from bleeding while the body discovery announcement went off which means that everyone was at the pool area investigating

"Ouma-Kun you need to tell everyone the truth that I murdered him"

Ouma: no!  I refuse!

"...Why would you refuse?  If you don't tell the truth everyone will die!"

Ouma: Nishishi!  Lying is one of my greatest techniques!  So come on L/N-Chan!  Let me be greedy for once!

"You are always greedy Mr. 'Ultimate supreme leader' "

Ouma: darn right you are!


Saihara: and the culprit is you Y/N L/N!

"W-what!?  No!  I couldn't have murdered Korekiyo-Kun!"

Saihara: I'm sorry, but all the evidence points to you L/N-San!

I look down as everyone votes except Ouma and me

Monokuma: CORRECT!!!  Y/N L/N the Ultimate Mermaid is the culprit!

Saihara: Ultimate Mermaid?....

Maki: those exist?

Kaito: you are a supernatural creature!?!

Ouma: ....

"Yes....I'm sorry I had to keep it from you all...but you wouldn't really trust me if I told you....and you wouldn't even believe me in the first place.....plus Korekiyo-Kun came to me with a knife"

I start to cry

"H-he tried to kill me!  What other choice did I have!?  I didn't want to die!!!"

Everyone except Maki looked at me sad

Monokuma: Now!

Ouma: p-please don't go 

Ouma...your lying shell is breaking

Ouma: don't leave me again Y/N-Chan!  I love you!  Please!  Don't go!


I give Ouma a smile

"I love you too Ouma-Kun"

Monokuma slams the button with his small hammer then I get dragged away into the pool

The beautiful aquarium of love

I turn into my mermaid form and I see sharks in the tank

I was able to dodge them from bitting me but I couldn't keep this up

I couldn't keep going since my stamina would deplete

I looked around and saw a area that said 'exit"

I swim towards that exit as a shark bites my right arm

My arm gets bitten off as I scream but I keep swimming

After the door opened and I closed it

After that it was piranhas in the room

They swam towards me quickly as I swam up to the next exit

They bit the edge of my tail as I went to the next door, opened it and closed it then I hit the piranhas off

Now my tail and arm was bleeding

I see a few areas glowing

Next was jellyfish, they were beautiful but poisonous

I swam over them and right when I almost reached the exit they shocked the water

It was really painful as I screamed more

I was now slowly swimming 

After I found a door saying exit

I opened it to see Ouma standing there

I turn into my human form and run towards him but chains grabbed my ankles holding me down

I was going to bleed to death but that won't stop me

I reach to Ouma as a monokuma chops my feet off making me scream again

I crawl towards Ouma as he turns around for me to see a Monokuma pretending to be Ouma

Then as I smile he stabs me through the heart

"I love you.....Kokichi-Kun...."

Ouma POV:

Y/N: I love you.....Kokichi-Kun....

Y/N dies after saying those words as I start to cry

Y/N why did you leave me?

I really wanted to be by your side, make sure we are safe....


After her execution I just stand there and leave

I find a picture in my room

It was a picture of me and Y/N then I start to cry even more

Is this was despair feels like?

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