Kaede Akamatsu x Neko!Reader - smile

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Requested by PianofreakAkamatsu (tag doesn't work)
(And a non-despair AU)


What a pain

After another science experiment another bullying

It repeats until now

Here I am at the alley way hiding from the students coming back from school

But whatever

Unfortunately I cannot hide my ears or tail

But instead pretend to be a real cat and turn into one 

Neat but a bit annoying because kids would come up to me and beat me for fun

I was wondering around as a (hair/colour) cat with (eye/colour) eyes then a woman with pink eyes and blonde hair coming back from school saw me beaten up

???: oh no!  The poor kitty is hurt!

She picks me up while a guy with green hair and green eyes like a avocado looks at me carrying both of their bags

???: be careful Akamatsu-San, they may scratch you

Akamatsu: but they are hurt!  I can't just leave them like this Amami-Kun!

Amami: fine, but don't blame me if you get scratched and you won't be able to play the piano for a while

Akamatsu: I already picked them up and they aren't scratching me you know

Of course I wouldn't, what kind of stereotypical wild animal do you take me for?


Akamatsu: aw!  It's so cute!  Look at their (hair/colour) fur and beautiful (eye/colour) eyes!

Amami: yeah, I would take it but I have to take care of my sisters

Akamatsu: then I will take care of it!

The girl takes me to her apartment and her mother looks at me in shock

Akamatsu: mom!  I found this beautiful cat abandoned on my way home!  Can we keep them?

Mom: okay...but it will be your responsibility not mines alright?

Akamatsu: okay mom!  Thank you!

The girl places me in her carpet then opens the bathroom

Akamatsu: now it's time to give you a bath

I walk over to the bathtub and jump in

After she washed me she plays with me then goes to sleep

I turn into my human form with cat ears then snuggle with her

I may not have clothes on but I don't really find that much of a problem

The next morning

Akamastu: AAHHHH!!!!

I woke up to her screaming and rubbed my eyes tiredly

"What happened Master?  Did you find a bug?"

Akamatsu: who are you?!


Akamatsu: yes you!

I turn into my cat form


Then turn back into my human form

"If you are wondering I don't have a proper name.  I was called 'test subject #26093' all the time master"

Akamatsu: oh no!  How would my mother think of this?

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