Chapter Two

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The next day

Ailsa's Pov 

Why on earth was personal studies even counted as a class? From the way I saw it a class dedicated to learning more about yourself was utterly pointless I mean surely after living as yourself for 17 years you'd know everything about yourself but hey, a class where I could get a guaranteed A in Is a class I'm willing to take.

I step into the silent classroom and sit down in my usual seat next to Ron and as usual he was helplessly drooling over Hermione who was sat across the class oblivious to this.
"Right class today you will be learning more about your own name, so everyone take out their laptops and give me where your name originated from and what it means" said Professor Snape in a monotone voice. What a pathetic excuse for a class.

Draco's Pov

As if I gave a fuck what my name meant. Knowing father it probably meant selfish brat. I take out my laptop and began to google what my name meant. 'The name Draco is a boy's name of Greek origin meaning "dragon".' "Ugh Dragon really? How pathetic."
"Haha Dragon, is it because of your bad temper and horrid breath? Malfoy!" Yelled Ron From The other side of the room. Shit I just have said it out loud.  "No it's because of how fierce I am when you piss me off Weasley!" I yelled back as I whipped out my wand. I slowly creeped towards him in a threatening manner. "Now do you want to say anything else you git"

Ailsa's Pov

I suppose personal studies wasn't personal studies without Malfoy threatening someone. I glanced at Ron Beside me who trembled at the sight of Malfoy towering over him. How stupid could Ron be? It's not with Draco would actually harm him.

There was a flash of light and a quick Yelp from  Ron. I looked down at the floor and realised Ron was now lying there unconscious. Has malfoy seriously just attacked a student in class? I mean I knew he had a bad temper but damn. The whole class began gasping and laughing all at once while I just sat motionless surprised at what had happened.

"WEASLEY, MALFOY, DETENTION!" Yelled Snape in voice I never knew he had. "And as for you Webster you'll be joining them for not stepping in" what. What did he just say! For not stepping in? Oh okay next time I'll just jump out a window to save malfoy the trouble of killing me himself then. "Like hell I will" I snapped back at Snape letting my anger take over. The whole class went Silent and I started to regret what I had just said but I couldn't back out now. "I'm sorry what was that you just said Ailsa Margot Webster?" Oh shit he used my full name. My mother always said my full name when she was mad but what does it mean when a teacher does. "I said like hell I am. I didn't do a single thing wrong and you know as well as I that if I had done something to stop this insanely stupid incident it wouldn't end in my favour at all!" Fuck. What have I gotten myself into?

Draco's Pov

Never in my life have I heard anyone speak back to Snape and there was a good reason for that too. Yet Ailsa did it like it wasn't a big deal I mean even I can't speak back to Snape only someone stupid would do that. Someone incredibly stupid but brave. I looked at her in utter shock and saw a glint of anger in her bright blue eyes. I'd never really noticed her eyes were so blue before. They were like a sort of fierce colour but all at the same time so gentle.  She glanced right at me as I was looking at her. Fuck she caught me looking at her I probably look like some sort of freak. My face started to heat up and I knew I was blushing. In a moment of utter panic I began to laugh. "Draco, Ailsa, you two come with me and don't even dare think about saying a word" said Snape in his signature monotone voice.
Ailsa's Pov

Why on earth was Malfoy staring at me? And why on earth did he start laughing. I bet he just wanted to get me in more trouble. Well done Malfoy you succeeded get ready for a period of digging our own graves!
Snape dragged us up to the front of the class and held us tight by the shoulders. "The next task is to get to know your partner. Over the next 2 months I want you to spend time with each other and examine each other's behaviour. At the end of these 2 months you will write an essay that consists of two main paragraphs. One will be on what you think your partner thinks of themselves and the other on how you think of them. You may choose whoever you want as your partner but as Malfoy and Webster have been such great students this lesson they Will be paired up together. Oh and you both have to write each other a small note each day on what you like about each other and read it in front of the class. Failure to complete this and you will be suspended. Class dismissed"  are you fucking kidding me? Spending time with malfoy? Two fucking months with malfoy! Fuck my life.

Draco's Pov

Now what can I possibly like about a filthy little mudblood like Ailsa? There goes my perfect grades because I'm sure as all hell failing this class. Even if I pass this class my reputation is sure to be ruined with spending all my free time with her.

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