Chapter Nine

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Hermione's Pov

once again I'm being pulled out of class. How utterly irritating! I walk up to Dumbledores office with him and prepare for another mass questioning. We both sat down and he looked at me concerned. "Hermione did you attack Draco Malfoy yesterday afternoon?" He said in a quiet voice. What... he thought I attacked Draco? I didn't even know he'd been attacked. "No of course not sir! The only person I caused a little bit of harm to was Ailsa and once again I'm so sorry for that"
"Ailsa? Hmmmm" he wrote something down on a piece of parchment like yesterday and frowned at me. "I don't know how to say this Hermione but you're a prime suspect in the near murder of Draco Malfoy" what. The. Fuck. I'm a murder suspect? Well near murder suspect? I mean I had punched Draco once before but never would I want to murder him. "Two witnesses say they saw you down at the lake yesterday afternoon trying to attack Ailsa but missed and hit Draco. Is this true Hermione? Did you try and hurt Ailsa?" It was true I hated the girl but why would I want to murder her? I was at the library studying all afternoon not like I could tell Dumbledore that though as I was in the restricted section. There goes my alibi. "Sir I swear I never attacked anyone"
"I quite believe you Hermione but under these circumstances I'm going to have to suspend you until this matter is resolved. You've been reported to the ministry of magic as a prime suspect in this case and your parents will be notified" suspended! I hadn't even done anything! And for a murder charge! What are my parents going to think?! Tears started running down my face and I stormed out Dumbledores office. What was I going to do?

Luna's Pov

I thought I might pay Draco a visit as I do feel partially responsible for what happened to him as I was the one who found him. I passed Jasper walking out from the hospital ward and took a seat next to Draco's bed. He was badly wounded but breathing stably. I started reading him the latest issue of the Quibler when he started to move slightly. His eyes moved rapidly side to side and then opened. He jolted up in his bed and looked right at me. "Draco are you quite alright?" I asked concerned but then again he had just woken up from being unconscious a day. "Jasper...Ailsa...Markus" And then he fell back into a deep slumber. Well that was quite odd. Who is Markus? Hmmmmm quite curious. I found the nearest nurse and told her he'd woken for a bit. She went over to tend to him and I decided I'd better tell Dumbledore what he said just Incase it was important. I walked up to his office and knocked on his door. "Come in" he said in a sleepy voice. "Well hello Luna what can I do for you?" He asked sounding a bit more awake. "Well Professor it's probably nothing but Draco woke up in the ward today and said something I find to be rather peculiar"
"And what did he say?"
"Well he said three names. Two I already know and one I do not but it could very well be another student"
"And what are these names?" He asked taking out a piece of parchment and a quill. "Well he firstly said Ailsa, then Jasper and then Markus" I stated.
"Markus?" Professor Dumbledore said puzzled.
"Yes that is correct but then again maybe I misheard but I'm quite sure I didn't"
"We don't have any students enrolled called Markus but I will be speaking to Jasper and Ailsa to find out more. Thank you for telling me this Luna"
"No problem at all sir. Also I was wondering have you seen my shoes anywhere?" I said looking down at my bare feet.

Draco's Pov

Ailsa came walking towards me and looked upset. "What's wrong Ailsa?" I said worried. She didn't say anything but took a step towards me and I felt her lips press against mine. "Draco I love you" she said in almost a whisper. "But Markus has me. Save me Draco please save me" she said desperately. I looked sadly at her. But placed a hand on her cheek and simply said "I promise I'll save you" and everything went black once again.

Author's Note

Ahhhh I hope this is up at the right time I've been writing it all the way in the car today desperately trying to get it up at the right time also the bit where It's Draco's Pov is a dream he's having Incase that didn't come across. Anyways my question for you guys today is: have you tried butter beer? I have and I LOVE it.

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