My Private Life That Isn't So Private Anymore

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Hello Person, if you got this far, you clearly don't know what "STAY OUT OF THIS OR YOUR'E A DEAD PERSON WALKING" means. But, since you are reading, I'll tell you about myself; my name is Rose, I'm 15, I have brown eyes, dark brown hair and tan skin and I hate my life. I live with my mother, my step-dad and my half sister. I live across from my friend Jack, I've lived across from him since I was little. While we are on the subject of introducing people, let me introduce you to Jack; he is 15 just like me, he has blue eyes, light brown hair, and his skin is like a perfect tan color. All the girls at school drool over him, but to be honest, I'm one of those girls. I can't wait for tommorrow to come! Tommorrow is Jack's 16th birthday, and I can't wait to see him. Jack and I are going out tonight, because tommorrow Jack and his parents are going to dinner. Since it is Jack's birthday, I have to pay for us tonight. I'm wearing my black skinny jeans, my black shoes, my red shirt with the British flag and my hair down. Well, enough information about me, Jack and my private life, but since you're reading this, my life isn't so private anymore.

July 29th, 2014 at 7:30 P.M.

Yesterday was Jack's birthday, and I took him our for ice cream and a movie, I know he is 16 now, but hey, him and I are still kids. . . We got ice cream and went to the movies. I bought us a large popcorn, two pops, three boxes of candy and the movie was in 3D. It was a good movie, after the movie we talked and then, we went home. But, when he hugged me goodbye last night, I got butterflies. I've never had butterflies when we hugged, do I like him?

July 30th, 2014 at 1:00 P.M.

Oh my god, what if I do have feelings for Jack? I can't tell him, it could break our friendship. He might not feel the same way as I do, I don't want to loose him, we have been through so much together; bullies at school, my mom getting a new husband and more private stuff. . . I think I do love Jack, but do I tell him or not?

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