Chapter Two: The Crime Scene

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  I paced around my forensic office and dialed Cisco on my cell.

  "Yo-yo-yo. Cisco speaking..." 

  "Cisco, are you seeing this?" I whispered anxiously.

  "Yeah, 'meta human distresses city, leaves mangled bodies on tracks'. Everyday stuff," he responds nonchalantly.

   "Well, I'm worried. This this looks like more than our average meta."

   "Why? You know what the headlines always read: 'Flash saves the day!' We're always the knights-and-shining-armor of the city!" He theatrically spoke.


  "What? Would you prefer Guardians of the Galaxy? Or-" Cisco jokes.

   "Cisco!" I bellowed.

"Your right, that's the wrong universe," he paused for a moment, as if he forgot I was still static on the other line. "Sorry, what were we talking about again?"

"Look, just meet me at Star Labs later, alright? Call Kaitlyn too." I hung up the phone and started to climb up the stairs towards my office.

"Allen, looks like you have somewhere to be." Singh nodded at the screen, waiting expectantly. 

"Yes, captain. On my way." 

I exited CCPD headquarters and super-speeded through the city, around all the high-rise buildings and car-infested streets until I reached the crime scene. I looked around. It was different in person; there was a dark, eerie feeling wafting in the air moving throughout the warm and cold bodies. It was as if a storm cloud hovered directly above the subway, emitting rays of despair instead of warm sunshine. I walked over to the tracks and opened my equipment briefcase. I squatted, my eye level to the ground.

    I noticed the obvious observation: the metal tracks and subway walls were singed

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    I noticed the obvious observation: the metal tracks and subway walls were singed. It transformed the scene into complete and obsolete darkness, only the flickering fluorescent lights illuminated the area. Fire was definitely involved. The victims all had consistent third degree burns near their corroded artery and lacerations speckled their abdomen, most likely a spear or blade. My mind immediately thought of Heat Wave. His flame thrower could have easily caused all this destruction. Then, my eye caught something rather peculiar. A long, skinny shaft connected to a sharp, metallic arrow head protruded from the wall. By the looks of it, it was a grappling arrow, used for a quick escape. 

    I ran over to the arrow and inspected it. My mind swam in turmoil; none of it made sense. Clearly, it was Oliver's arrow belonging to his emerald arsenal, but why was he in Central City? And why was he at a mass crime scene? Even if he decided to stop by-which is extremely out of character-then he would have told me, as a genuine speedster-to-vigilante kind of relationship. It's complicated. 

    I called Oliver's number, but got no response. I hurriedly collected some skin samples from the victims and zoomed to Star Labs.

As I walked into the Labs, Cisco and H.R. huddled around the main hub, staring at me, their expressions blank. 

"Barry, we need to talk."

Hello Flash fans, or my friends who are just trying to get me reads, thank you for reading! If you find any grammar mistakes (probably a lot) or just find something funny, write it in the comments! Madeline_Ming out!⚡️

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