A whole new life

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A month later

Katniss POV

I wake up and look up at my fiancé beautiful eyes. I lean in to kiss him but just before I reach his lips I feel my stomach churn. I run to the bathroom and sure enough puke all in the toilet. That's when I feel someone hold my hair back and rub circles on my back. "you probably got the stomach bug. I'll call the doctor for an appointment." He says. As my as I hate going to doctors or hospitals I really don't care this time because I just want to get well. peeta gets the phone and calls for an appointment. he puts the phone down and says "we have to be there by 3:00." He says. I look up at the clock and it says 2:30 so we both start getting dressed and head on over to the hospital. when we get there the nurse comes in and weighs me and does all this other stuff when the doctor walks in and says "Hello Mr. and mrs mellark" "please call us peeta and katniss." I say! She nods and says " so how have u been feeling?" "ummm not so good everything I eat I can't seem to keep it in my stomach." "well I think I know what the problem is. katniss your pregnant. congratulations!" "I'm pregnant?" I say. "yes your already 14 weeks." I look over at peeta who is smiling ear to ear. "Kat, that's amazing. we're gonna be parents. we are going to have a family!" he says with enthusiasm in his voice. Me on the other hand is excited but very scared. what if I'm not a good mother. what if I forget something and the baby dies. what if the baby is taken away from me. I look back at peeta with a worried look on my face but then I see his big smile and his sparkling eyes and think maybe this won't be to bad after all. After that the doctor leaves and we head home. "do you want this baby katniss? "Of course I do peeta but I am just scared! I say and he says "i know but don't worry about a thing we are going to be great parents." I smile and nod while he opens his arms for me. and I run to him and hug him. "I love you!" I whisper "I love you too Kat, more than anything!" he says as he holds me by my waist and let's his knees fall to the ground and starts kissing my stomach. and saying things like "I love you to, I hope you look just like your mama"

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