After the coma

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Katniss POV

"He......slipped into a come?" "ya sweetheart I'm really sorry!" he says as he opens out his arms for a hug! It's good to have someone to comfort me but his arms are not as good as peeta's. "can you take me to the hospital?" I ask and he drives me there. when I say to the lady at the front desk "peeta mellark I'm his wife!" "room number 126" I rush up to the room and go inside and find my beloved peeta, my love of my life, my dream guy all hooked up to tubes! I rush over to him and grab his hand. "stay with me peeta please, I can't live without you I love you too much my live wouldn't be worth living without you!" the I now what to do to make him wake up it works every time. I lean in and kiss his lips very intense and passionately but still very gentile and sweet. and soon his eyes flutter open and I see those beautiful blue eyes that i seem to always get lost in "PEETA!" "what, what's going on, katniss are you hurt?" I laugh and say "no peeta." then I kiss him passionately. " I love you" I whisper. " I love you too, always!" he says! then the doctor walks in and says " yay it's good news that you woke up peeta, how do you feel?" "I feel better now that katniss is with me!" He turns and looks at me and I smile. "well I guess you two can go home!" after she says that we walk out hand in hand never wanting to let go when we see gale all he says is "I wish the best for both of you!" and all I say back is "I hope you do just the opposite!" and then peeta and I walk off! And then when we get home I say "peeta I'm sorry our wedding didn't turn out like we planned, it was supposed to be the best and happiest day ever but gale had to come and ruin it!" "don't be sorry katniss it wasn't your fault. as long as we together I'm happy! and we could always have another wedding you know?" after he says that my face lights up and I immediately start making plans and calling everybody, except for gale to tell them the news! after all the planning and calling I decide to go to bed and peeta follows me and we fall asleep in each other's arms as happy as we could be. when I hear peeta say "goodnight mrs. Mellark!" "goodnight mr. Mellark!" I say and then we both fall asleep!

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