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There is a part of me that still refuses to believe we have lost Luna and Raven.

But we have, and now we have to find them.

It has all of us on high alert and a tension that feels like one of Raven's explosives being waved near a fire - ready to explode at any moment.

Clarke seems to be noticing it too, glancing around every few moments.

Roan and Echo have been leading, knowing the territory best, and talking between each other what course of action to take.  It is frustrating to know there is a problem within my family that I can't fix.

"They'll figure it out, Luna and Raven will know to take cover somewhere, we'll find them." Clarke assured, more to herself I think then me.

"We will." I agreed, "Luna is more then capable of surviving anything and Raven is smart."

Clarke nodded, "We'll get through this.  We'll get Ontari back before we know it."

Now she was just lying with a smile.  Trying to be optimistic.

"Clarke, be real.  We have to find Raven and Luna, find the base, make sure it really is where Ontari is, and rescue her.  It isn't going to be quick."

Clarke sighed, shoulder slumping, "I know, I just hate feeling helpless."

"I do too ai hodnes (my love)."

Clarke growled under her breath, nudging her horse into a trot to catch up with Roan and Echo.  She only stayed for a couple minutes before dropping back to ride alongside me again.

"This is so frustrating!" She burst.

I just blinked, knowing there was more.

"How can we seriously do nothing to help any of them!?"

I sighed, "One of the burdens of being Commander is knowing that you cannot always help everyone." I admitted.

Clarke sighed and I could see in her posture her mind was flying to another time that seemed so distant now.  "The Skaikru in Mount Weather." She murmured.

My shoulders sagged, "And in TonDC."

Clarke closed her eyes, trusting her horse to stay on course, "Even after all this time I still think about them."

I gave a weak smile, "Our duty is to save those we can, and honor those we can't.  We bear it-"

"So that they don't have to." Clarke finished for me, "I know."

"You don't bear it alone." Octavia's gentle voice from my other side surprised my and I turned my head to see she had fallen in with Clarke and I.

"She is right Heda, you no longer have to bear the burden of leadership alone." Indra surprised me as she spoke up behind me.

Clarke had a small smile on her face though, "What would we do without you?"

"Die." Octavia deadpanned.

Clarke chuckled before stopping as Octavia just stared at her, "Wait, are you serious?"

"As many times as you've both tried to die, I am convinced that without us you'd both be dead.  But on the ground, that's what family is for."

"There's a village about a half day's ride from here, we set out for it at dawn and hope that by some miracle Luna and Raven found it." Roan called back.

I nodded, "Let's make camp."

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