Just an A/N

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A/N- I had another authors note that I was gonna post, but I decided not to. Maybe another day.

Basically I don't know how I'm gonna be able to update this story. I just don't have much support in my life. My family is fine, and I'm not underprivileged or anything, but I just don't feel like I'm supported the way I would like to be. Because stuff goes on in my head that people don't know about. Bad thoughts and stuff. And it's all in my head. I'm in America and school is starting very soon. School is just plain torture for me. So what I'm trying to say is that soon I'm gonna be pulled back into the system that I was in before I found this site.

Which makes me sad, because I love this site. I love the support you guys give me and how kind and nice you all are. It makes me feel like I do actually have some support in my life, even if it's just my life on here. It makes me feel positive. So thank you guys so much. It's amazing how a little comment or sentence or anything from you guys can make my day so much more bearable. So thank you.

I'll try and update what I can, but I just have so much going on in my head. I feel like I'm being really overdramatic. I'm sorry.

Loveheart <3


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