I swear i'll take all of the annoying ass rants down someday

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I have issues

L i s t e n t o t h e m
Or not
I don't really care

My mom is calling or emailing all of my teachers and the guidance counsellor  because I was honest with her. I told her that I was miserable in school, and ever since it started I've been constantly saying I hate school. I have a countdown of months, weeks, and days until the end of the year. I can't wait. Probably literally.

Basically I'm afraid of everyone and everything. I don't ever talk, even to ask questions or if I need to use the bathroom, get a drink or get something from my locker, I forget things 24/7 and I'm so afraid of being judged or made fun of for actually trying I'm to scared to do my homework or even read in front of others in class. Even if it's not out loud. I don't know why. I can't sing in choir or play in band, it's like my whole body seizes in fear of being judged. If I do talk, I'm flushed, my voice gets higher, I'm very quiet and I speak as little as possible. I just really don't want to be the weird quiet kid and the weird kid who needs therapy. I don't wanna be made fun of so this far I've given them nothing to make fun of me for. I have friends and talk to them often but when I'm not around them I never speak. I don't want to be called weird and I definitely don't want to fail school but it seems like it's one or the other.

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