None of you care about my life but

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K so I have some problems

Not big ones
Just little ones

Like existential dread-


Kind of

Anyway, I really want to be an artist, actress or horse rider / trainer (professional athlete)

But I want to do it all
I can't choose
I don't wanna fail
I don't wanna be unhappy
I don't wanna be unknown.
I don't wanna be n o r m a l
I feel like if I'm not famous or well know my life will have been for not and I should just die as I won't affect anyone or anything.

I don't wanna leave my horses
But I wanna go to art school

I wanna go to horse school
But it doesn't exist

I wanna practice with my horses
But I can't drive to the barn whenever I want

Being a child is so l i m i t i n g

But I don't wanna be an adult
I don't wanna be responsible
I don't wanna be alone.

My Terrible "Art"Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz