Author Notes

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Before we begin, I should explain some things. This D.Va x Reader has a little spin to it. If you're reading a D.Va x Reader than you probably fanicize being with her in the real world. So that's exactly what this story will be about. I will be taking Overwatch character and transitioning them into reality. Not all of the Overwatch characters will be in this story simply for the fact that we don't have it in our current world like Omnics or that it will not make sense like Winston.

Also I will be mainly writing using masculine pronouns like he, him, etc. This does not discourage any of you femuline readers to read my story. Any of these can be simply change to she, her, etc to better suit you. So please don't leave this story simply because I mainly use male pronouns. I welcome any of you female readers.

And I think that sums up everything. I hope you guys enjoy my story and what ideas I come up with along the way!

Signed Forbidden098

(This is a new Authors Note. The old one was cringy)

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