Y/n was raised in Korea for the first ten years of her life until she was entering middle school was when they all moved to Tokyo, Japan. Y/n had no siblings. She was an only child but was never referred to as such. Her parents didn't look at her with adoration and a want for her to succeed in life as most traditional Japanese parents do. They merely looked at her with a look that referred to her as more of a subject, and that's how she was always treated. Maybe it was because she was born with an unexpected quirk. Most people thought her quirk was amazing, and usually voiced these compliments, but the Jeong family always brushed them off. They just had to, to avoid sounding cocky, and like it was all planned, even though deep down, her parents were overwhelmed with excitement with the success of her quirk. 

A strange event in her life, though, was that even with her amazing quirk and lucky household, making friends, she found, was very hard. It was like someone had tarnished her reputation with everyone that she had never met. Well, not everyone, just the kids her age, which felt like everyone at the time. Looking back, it was probably just a misunderstanding of her taking the last cookie in preschool or something. But she could never wipe the looks they gave her, out of her mind. It's like how a manta ray in the zoo feels. People have an interest in her, but never approach her, and instead gawk at her like she's something people admire from afar. No one ever dared to come close. And because of this social treatment, she became one of the 'shy kids' in junior high.

Info Session Over

One afternoon, Y/n was harshly slapped in the face with information that her parents, yet again, had kept from her. By the arrival of this news that she was missing something didn't surprise her. She was quite used to her family leaving her out of some crucial information, but the difference this time was that the information wasn't quite as easy on her heart.

Most times they told her something new, it had to do with her being the heir to her father's underground company that no one knows about, or that there had been a change in her training schedule. That's right, her parents trained her, or at least, used to. She was glad that they stopped.

"Y/n," Seungji called from inside his private study.

"... yes father?" Y/n questioned, poking her head inside the large doorway.

"Come and sit down. Your mother and I have something to tell you." Her father said, with his hands folded on his desk, and her mother standing beside him.

Y/n reluctantly walked in and sat down on the black leather chair that stood in front of his regal mahogany desk. 

Y/n looked at her counterpart square in the same eyes that would strike fear in almost everyone, and challenged them lightly with a strong gaze full of willpower as if to say, 'go on.'

Her father furrowed his eyebrows at her look but brushed it off. "Next week, you will not be attending the high school we had discussed." 

"What?! Why? You know that all of my friends are going there, and I'm just starting high school, and you know how hard it was for me to make friends in-" Y/n was cut short by glancing shortly at her mother, and seeing the stone-cold glare she was sending her way.

Her mother tilted her head to her side and relaxed her expression. "I thought we had raised you better than to raise your voice at us, young lady. We're having an adult conversation here."

"... my apologies mother." Y/n subtly mocked, biting her tongue lightly in case they had picked up on the light sarcasm. Apparently they didn't and knowing that, she let out a silent sigh of relief.

"As you already know, your mother and I are the fourth and fifth best heroes in the world," Seungji started, watching his daughter nod her head along in agreement and understanding. "And that we had a quirk marriage to create a better version of ourselves and continue the Jeong legacy,"

'Uh oh.' Y/n could see where this was going. 

"So we have talked it over, and decided that sending you to Yuuei would be the best choice for you and your future-"

"You mean your legacy!" Y/n pointed accusingly at her father. She had had enough. She had just gotten into a good set of friends and started enjoying life, but now, that was all gonna be taken away from her. She would have to restart everything. Just for the sake of her parents' happiness and greed for wanting to feel the satisfaction for the constant build-up of more and more success in life. It was utter selfishness, and for the first time in a while, she felt genuinely hurt by her parents.

Y/n usually never spoke up to her parents, but today, she seemed extra spiteful.

Her parents' expressions immediately changed to ones of anger and disapproval.

"How dare you talk back to us, you worthless, pathetic, unwanted, piece of-" Seungji's tangent of ready curses was cut off, by Hina's calmer aura, shushing him.

"Now, now, Seungji, what if someone is watching? We don't want that reputation. To the outside world, we're the perfect family. Haven't you seen the latest hero articles?" Y/n's Mother turned to face her. "Have you seen them Y/n?"

Y/n was hesitant but complied with an answer. "... no." Her mother smiled gently, and for a second, Y/n thought she could see the compassion in her mother's eyes that everyone was talking about. But deep down, she had a feeling that it was all a facade.

Her mother typed something up on the computer that rested on her father's desk. After it seems that she had found what she was looking for, she spun the monitor around, so that Y/n could see what the screen showed.

The screen revealed a nice photo of Y/n, smiling, and a paragraph on the topic of our family.

The Jeong's

Most of you know about the Jeong's and how they are the ideals of our country of how our families should be. They each have a strong connection with each other and quite obviously love each other dearly.

Youngest member, Jeong Y/n, told us a little about how life was for her. A recent quote from her was: 'I'm so happy with everything. My friends, my family, my school, my everything! Everyone deserves to be happy, no matter who you are!'

She seems to take the recent news well. if you didn't know, the Jeong household has decided together that Y/n will be taking a step forward in her hero career early in life, as the family informed the networks that she will be attending Yuuei to become a hero-

That was all I needed to read.

Yes, I wanted to become a hero, but I knew that with my talent, I could do that later in life, couldn't I? 

"So you told the rest of the world that I would be going to Yuuei before you told me?! Y'know, the one you're talking about?!"

Her mother ignored her. "Do you understand why we need to keep this reputation up?" Her mother asked her. Y/n was hesitant and irritated but nodded her head slowly. "Answer me with words!" Hina shouted, it sounded almost mechanical, which took Y/n off guard.

"... yes mother, I understand."

Her mother smiled, and stared into space. "Good. Everyone reads these articles and currently, we are the main topic. People look up to us..." Her gaze shifted from the ceiling to her daughter again. She stepped out from behind her husband's desk and stepped closer until she was right beside her daughter. She threw a paper at Y/n's head. Her right hand lifted and stroked the side of the young girl's face. "Now get lost." She said coldly. Somehow, even though her words were intended to hurt, Y/n made out a sense of pity and pleading in her mother's voice.

Confused and frustrated, with angry tears streaming down her face, Y/n took the paper, stood up, walked out of the door, and closed the door quietly behind her. She choked on a sob, and made her way up to her room; fists clenched.

Word Count - 2121

Edited: 3/31/2020

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