Nick,nick where are you" an echoing voice called out "Victoria?" I called back recognizing her voice form the hospital rescue "Nick where are you?" I heard her call again "I'm over here!" I shouted again before she came into view,wearing the same hospital clothes as when we met "I'm right here!" I shouted again,she seemed lost and confused like she couldn't hear me "Nick! Nick are you in here" she called out again walking in my direction "I'm right fucking here!" I shouted again waving my arms to try and get here attention,she kept walking in my direction until she was face to face with me "Victoria it's me!" I said grabbing bother he arms and shaking her "nick? Are you in here" She said looking straight through me "what do you mean I'm right here!" I said again shaking her some more before I started to hear the sounds of growling "what's that?" I asked myself again before seeing 4 wolves surround us,they have long silver threads leading from their bodies into the sky,I had no idea what has happening but I knew I couldn't let them attack Victoria,one lounged straight for us and I went to punch it in the jaw but the wolf passed straight through me and attacked Victoria while the other 3 joined it,I tried to pull them off of her but my arms passed straight through them. I screamed for help until the wolves stopped and there was nothing on the ground expect for my name,well my old name written in blood on the ground. I looked up at the sky and saw a crow hold hind the strings connected to the wolves backs. I tried to move away from the wolves but I couldn't,my legs and arms wouldn't respond,I looked a down at them and saw more of the silver threads attached to them and then they began to move on their own against my telling my body no. My legs quickly lowered the rest of my body down to my hands and knees and and I felt something happening to my body, I began growing hair and my teeth began sharper,before I knew it I was one of the other wolves,incapable of speaking. I had no idea what was happening

Before I knew it I was human again. In a dark room tied to a chair. I tried struggling to get free but no matter what I couldn't "that won't help you ya know" I deep,dark shadowy voice said from the darkness "who's there?" I asked "A Monster" the voice said,before a tall,muscular man stepped out from the shadows,he had jet black hair with small strands of white mixed in,piercing blue eyes,he was easily over 6 feet tall and had much bigger muscles than me. His voice matches his physical appearance pretty well "what do you want from me?" I asked still trying to struggle free from the chair "just to talk,do you know who I am?" The self proclaimed monster asked "no I've never seen you before how would I know?" I replied, struggling some more in my chair "yes you have,every day when you look in the mirror,I'm the voice in the back. I am the ghost in the shadows, I am the fear of the dark, I am the murder of empathy, an angel that fallen,I am the psycho the sinner,I am what you can't escape,I am the splinter underneath your skin,I am a monster." The monster said pulling up a chair In front of me,sitting down in it backwards and staring straight into my eyes. "You seem scared" he said with a deep chuckle "well yeah,why did you tie me up?" I asked continuing to try and struggle free from my chair "I didn't do that,you tied yourself up buddy. Getting involved with the Raven and the Wolves will so that to a person" the monster said "what do you mean?" I asked,ending my fruitless endeavors of trying to break free from the chair I was trapped in "what the fuck do you think I mean,you got involved with that bastard Raven and his lap dogs the wolves no look at you,trapped in a chair with me" the monster said brashly "the Raven isn't who you think he is,he's evil. He wants to rule over the city like a mad dictator,you're just one of his StormTroopers in his holocaust of freedom,he's evil. Why else would he make me?" The monster said,taking out a cigarette and lighting it "what do you mean he created you?" I asked,confused as to what was happening. "You'll see when you come to" he said before taking a drag of his cigarette "you've got a choice to make here buddy,I'm not leaving you. You're stuck with me for life now and I want out of this place. Either you and I go back to where we belong or you can stay here with Raven and the sled dogs while I make life a lot more difficult for you" he said before inhaling more from his cigarette "I don't understand what the fuck is going on,This must be a dream or something,you can't be real" I spat before the monster stood up from his chair and kicked it away,he crouched down to meet me at eye level,Cigarette hanging from his lips "mother fucker" he said in a deep monotone voice "this ain't no's a fucking nightmare you won't wake up from" he said before I felt a cold steel knife stab straight into my midsection "the names Bones by the way" the monster said before standing to his feel and backing away slowly into the shadows as I began to bleed out in the chair I was trapped in before the whole room went black

I woke up in a puddle of cold sweat in my bed,it must've all been a dream. I horribly weird dream. After I eventually gathered my thoughts I to out of bed and stood in shock as I looked in the mirror "JYE!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I gazed at the figure in the mirror "what do you want man it's--Holy Shit dude!" Jye said stepping into my room to see the incredible transformation I had, I was taller,stronger,my eyes had changed color and my hair had darkened to a flat black color "what happened?!" Jye asked in a panic over my new physical appearance "I have no fucking idea! I just woke up like this!" I said panicking a bit myself, this couldn't possibly be a normal thing "I'll go get Raven" Jye said "no wait!" I said stopping him before he had a chance to leave my room "I think Raven has something to do with this" I said, remembering that Bones told me in my dream "come with me" I said as we snuck out of the room and found out way to the records wing. We found the right room and sat in the chair In front of the computer and began searching "what are you even looking for Jeff?" Jye asked "my medical records" I said pulling up file after file until I found it "Okay here it is. Jeffrey Wellfare. Blood type:AB. Eyes:Green Hair:Brown" I read aloud from the file "so what that's from your surgery last year" Jye said,confused by what I was doing "yeah but hold on" I said before searching for any one else a

With the name Wellfare "Jake and Norah Wellfare here it is" I said "your parents?" Jye asked "no they aren't,look" I said turning the monitor to face him "DNA doesn't match,Raven lied" I said as Jye studied the DNA on the screen "now look up the name Escamillia" I said aloud again as I typed in my old last name and saw my parents names show up "let's see Clark and Sarah Escmallia" I said again after finding them "it says they only had 1 child..." I said "Dave right?" Jye said "yeah I'm not Nick and I'm not Jeff..." I said,taking a long pause. Not knowing how to process this information "well who are you then?" Jye interrupted me from my thoughts,before I had time to answer I notice a file on the computer dated yesterday and opened it "Super solider test #12,Subject name Jeffrey Wellfare,age 24,height 5'10",weight 160 pounds" a scarecrow doctor said on a video on the screen while looking over some paper work on his clipboard "okay how are his vitals?" The doctor on the screen asked to a lab assistant standing next to me on the metal table in the distance "all vitals are stable sir,test is a go" the lab assistant replied to the doctor "give him the injections then" the doctor directed before I saw the lab assistants inject some sort of serum into both my arms,shortly after I saw myself begin to violently twitch on the table as the lab assistants backed away until my body stopped "is he still breathing?" The doctor asked as he began to walk closer to my body on the table "heart monitor is still going, he's still alive" one the of lab assistants said looking over my still body on the table "fantastic,we finally seem to have perfected the formula,how long until the serum takes full effect?" The doctor asked his assistants as they continued to study my body to make sure I was healthy "6 hours I believe sir" the assistants said before unstrapping me from the table "excellent,throw him back in his room for the time being we'll check on him later" the doctor said as his lab assistants sat me up on the table and he turned off the camera.

"So last night..." Jye said as the video ended "they used you a guinea pig?" "Bones was right,Raven is evil" I said allowed as my blood started to boil "bones?" Jye asked,I forgot I never explained that to him "not important now. I've gotta get out of here" I said standing up abruptly causing the computer chair to spin out of control "I'm coming with" Jye said following me "okay but we're gonna have to make a stop first" I said exiting the room and heading for the armory. Once we got there is started to stock up on all the weapons I could carry,Assault rifle,sub machine gun I clipped to my vest,I filled a equipment back with boxes of ammo and a few machine pistols and threw a sniper rifle over my shoulder while Jye did the same. We both stole some body armor we went to leave when we were stopped by a group of scarecrows. We were outnumbered pretty bad until I caught a glimpse of myself the reflection of a window and remembered what Bones said last night

"I'm a Monster"

Rise of The Runaways (Crown The Empire story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon