Chapter 28

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Erika's pov:I heard someone call my name and it was Blake he always liked me but I didn't because every girl that has been with him said that he is abusive
B:I will after I do this
Erika's pov:he grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the wall and stared making out with me I didn't kiss back and tears wear streaming down my cheek he finally left me and I ran to my car I am not going to tell jake he's gonna be really worried and he's going through a lot I wish I had a friend that I can talk to my only friend is Logan and Jake trusts us I don't know if I am gonna tell him or not I got there and Logan opened the door when I saw him I started crying and he hugged me
L:what's wrong?are you ok
L:Jake is in his room if you want him
E:I don't want to talk to Jake
L:if there is something you can tell me your like my little sister and you can trust me
E:y...yeah I n..need talk to someone
Logan's pov:I held her hand and we went to my room and she was shaking
L:so what's wrong
E:promise you won't tell Jake
L:well if it will harm him I will so what is it
E:b...Blake k...kissed me(cries)
L:did he do anything else you are ok right?!
E:no he didn't yeah I am ok but I am so scared he was so mean(cries)
L:I am sorry I'll go to school and beat the shit out of him
E:thank you but that means I have to tell Jake but I can't can you tell him
L:ok wait here
*jake's room*
Logan's pov:I walked in and he was sleeping I waked him up
L:I am sorry but I want to tell you something
J:what is it
L:but pls don't get mad
L:Blake kissed Erika today
J:why did she tell you not me😔
E:because I didn't want to worry you Jakey (says while walking in and hugs him)
J:Erika don't you trust me?
E:Ofc I do,I trust you with my life
J:but then why did you tell Logan
E:I was scared s..sorry

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