Chapter 23

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L:that will be amazing Erika thank you so much
E:your welcome
Erika's pov:Jake didn't say a word the whole ride I mean what happened to him is terrifying he rested his head on my chest and fell asleep and I hugged him
L:we are here let's go Jake
L:do you want me to pick you up
J:nods his head
Logan's pov:I picked him up and went into Erika's house it's I put Jake on the couch in her room
E:Jake you should take a shower so I can clean those cuts
Jake's pov:I took a shower and when I got out I saw all the cuts on me they looked terrifying I started shaking then I got out and saw Logan and Erika looking really worried I walked over to the couch and sat there
E:you can go lay in the bed you must be tired
J:c..cuddle with me
E:ok Jakey
Erika's pov:Jake was shaking a lot he got in my bed I covered him and we cuddled he was so scared he wrapped his arms around my waist really tightly and hid his face in my chest I hugged him and kisses his head
E:are you hungry
E:I'll go get you something don't worry Logan will stay here with you
J:ok thank you
E:np(kisses his cheek)
Logan's pov:I went over to the bed and sat next to Jake he looked so scared and he was about to cry
L:it's ok now don't cry no one will hurt you
J:I am sc..scared
L:come here(opens his arms for Jake to hug him)
Logan's pov:I hugged him really tight and he just cried I felt so bad for him
L:it's gonna be ok
Jake's pov:I fell asleep on Logan then I woke up to Erika screaming
Erika's pov:it was Andrew....

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