𝐈𝐈. dropping books

Start from the beginning

      I couldn't help but laugh softly at Bella's words, finding that her dry humor and somewhat monotonous voice were rather charming.

      "Yeah, definitely. Daylin loves Chief Swan, says he's a really great guy," I began, my smile growing more genuine. She returned it, the two of us chuckling before Bella once again spoke up.

      "Um... I-I know what it's like. Being the new girl, I mean. I moved here last year."

      "Really? Where'd you move from?"


      I nodded understandingly. It was comforting, knowing she had recently been in my shoes. We had only just met each other, but she was the first person I found myself relating to.

      "Did you notice all the staring on your first day?" I breathed out, shifting back and forth on my feet. At this question, Bella laughed quietly and nodded.

      "Yep. They'll calm down, don't worry. I'm guessing you've met Eric?"

      I quickly nodded, my eyes widening, "He's not even the worst one though! You know who tops him?"

      "Jessica," "Jessica."

      Our answers blended together, leaving us in fits of giggles that needed to be suppressed. After all, we were still in the library.

      "She's not too bad, don't worry. Just steer clear of Mike and she'll get over the initial jealousy of you being the new girl," Bella snorted, her statement assuring me that maybe Jessica wasn't the worst person I could sit with at lunch.

      Before we could say more, the bell rang, signifying the end of the free period. I silently cursed the obnoxious sound, genuinely enjoying our conversation. Bella also seemed a bit deflated by this, her shoulders slouching.

      "Well it was nice meeting you Bella. I'll see you around?" I spoke, my voice hopeful.

      Bella gave me a half-grin, nodding. "Yep. See you around."

      Maybe my clumsiness wasn't the worst flaw I had, especially if it led me to making new friends.


      For some reason, I was looking forward to lunch. I couldn't explain why, I just was. In the end I decided to blame it on meeting Bella, curious to see if I could find the girl and sit with her. Not that I disliked my current table, they were nice enough. But, it was clear to me that she and I had more in common than me and Jessica ever would.

      I eventually made my way to the lunch room, being bumped into consistently by those around me. I didn't mind my height, really. But what I did mind was being thrown around so easily. It could get pretty annoying, and sadly there was nothing I could do.

      Looking around, I couldn't spot Bella anywhere. This made my heart drop slightly, a small frown appearing on my face. Within moments though, I'd been spotted by none other than Eric.

      "Babe, over here!"

      I held back a cringed look, instead grinning and sending him a small wave. I trudged over to the usual table, giving Angela a more genuine smile and hello. Taking a seat next to her, I quickly zoned out, not too keen on listening to Jessica's gossip. None of it even made sense to me, since had no idea who she was even talking about.

     Lunch continued on like this, with me simply staring out the windows. The weather outside wasn't horrible, but the sun was no where to be found. As I continued to zone out, something caught my attention.

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