"Who?" Nelson slammed his fist into the wood had the object and what was it in the first place. Why was the influential person willing to see him die? What would they gain? Nelson felt faint, grasping his seat he stood up at the same time he heard the sound of the door opening, this would be the last time he would sit here again.

"I am only the messenger, my orders come with the penalty of death if I do not oversee that you are on deck in your full regalia. I have been a trusty companion by your side dinning with you and your family, and your family with mine. I know nothing about the circumstances that have brought you here no will I ask. I received an blooded letter delivered to my home only yesterday evening with detailed instructions. I have been followed and my home is being watched, this whole wretched business has caused much searching and heart ache.  Dropping his voice down to a whisper and knocking the table nearest to him over, he leant nearer to Admiral Nelson saying the devil is at work,many hands have pulled strings to bring about this solution to appease the King of Spain."
Nelson quick to catch upon these words grabbed at his fellow officers arm pulling him closer, in an whisper he said, " my death will not change the dark clouds that hang over whoever holds the keys to destiny, the lost item or items will turn up ensnaring the death warrants of those that sort nothing but ill will against the brave. I will stand for all to see and except my death, yet I will not be silenced. They will have to come to my grave to do that."

Father Johnathon had said that Nelson's death rocked the World, everywhere people

talked, the newspapers were full of innuendos, gossip columns sprung up daily as the

first half of the newspapers were leaning towards Pirates killing Admiral Nelson,

though some said it had been a shot ricocheting from a beam above Nelson's head that

caused the fatal shot. Others saw this as a demonstration of a very valiant hero who

would do everything to bring glory and riches to England and now this man had paid

the highest price. In high places behind closed doors word began to spread that this was a contract killing.

Rumours spread again when a young Frenchman was caught stealing jewellery from a very wealthily family

in the Home Counties. The young Frenchman who hadn't yet been named by the

Authorities, said in a statement that Nelson had to die on the orders of the Black Prince. The headlines went mad for days, the Frenchman was tried and disappeared soon after, had he escaped, been kidnapped. The stories over time went cold.

Father Johnathon had said this is were the story ends. The interesting part of the

Nelson story is that Navy personnel were known to have been at the Chapel looking for

clues to the death of Admiral Nelson and back in the day the Black Prince who was rumoured to have

been a prominent member of the congregation. The Prince had been supported by the Dominican Brotherhood made up of women and men. The woman scholars held positions of power in the monasteries around England and Europe. Their daily lives were spent journaling everything that went on in the kingdom. News brought in by knights, Royalty, Popes other high Orders of power. The Scriptures kept in logs, huge books of colourful day to day life, only seen by the granted few. The Chapel Cameron had learnt had been a strong hold for several Knights Templar when King Edward had said they could live in England escaping the clutches of a King Phillip of France. The knights formed strong holds in the city of London which are still in evidence today Cameron learnt. The Chapel was once a coded secure place until King Phillip of France schemed to torture the knights on English soil in France. after they were known to have

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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