Friends and Strangers

Start from the beginning

"This isn't your business , Kanna. Tend to your own child. She is enough trouble already since she gets in the way of Shouto and his training," he said while approaching Rei with a balled fist.

You mother stood in front of Rei, protecting her and saying, "The only thing that brings trouble here is you and your abuse . You need to give up your selfishness before your children and wife begin to resent you. A true hero would do that."

Enji's eyes filled with anger as he raised his fist to strike Rei. She cowered and you mother stood in front of her to take the strike for her. Before his punch could even reach within your mother's personal space, you burst into the room and screamed.


His fist was immediately stopped by a (f/c), magical energy. His eyes widened in shock and wandered to your small figure. You glanced down at your hands and seen (f/c) energy fuming from your palms. Shouto walked in and his smile quickly dropped into a terrified expression as he saw his father. However, his eyes widened in amazement at the (f/c) energy stopping his father's fist. His eyes trailed over to you and he gasped.

"(F/n)-chan! Your eyes... They're (f/c)," he said rather surprised.

"(F/n)... your quirk-"

Your mother was cut off by you furrowing your brows and throwing your palms towards the front door. The (f/c), magical energy surrounded Enji's body and forcefully threw him outside onto the cold stone pathway. Rei stared at you, awed by the strength of your quirk. Your head began to throb with pain, which caused you to drop to your knees and hold your head. You winced and cried from the pain and your mom picked you up. She apologized to Rei for the commotion and ran out of the house. Your teary eyes met Shouto's as your mother carried you off. His mouth was slightly agape from shock. You waved him goodbye and he returned the wave with a slight smile. Enji was barely getting up when your mother ran past him. His eyes looked into yours with pure hatred. The fear from his glare made you tremble a bit, but your mother reassured you and rubbed your back. He went back into the household and you heard screams again.

"Mommy, we need to help Rei and Shouto-"

"We can't, (F/n). I would love to help but we just can't. It's not our place to do that," your mother said, her voice cracking from her anger and oncoming tears.

You rested your head on her shoulder as the pain significantly increased. 'It hurts... so much,' you thought through tears.

You wrapped your arms around your mother's neck. You closed your (e/c) eyes and nuzzled your head on the crook of her neck. Soon, you were greeted with a pleasant feeling as you fell into a quiet, calm sleep.


You awoke from the bizarre dream. 'What the hell? Did that actually happen?' You sat there for a minute, contemplating whether that was a memory. 'Wait a minute.. That did happen! That's the day I discovered my quirk.' You tiredly rubbed your eyes and began your morning routine; take a shower, cleanse face, brush teeth, cook breakfast, wake up Uncle Shouta, get dressed, and do hair 'That's so odd... Why did I dream of that?'

Your phone buzzed as you were styling your hair. You glanced down to see a new message from Izuku. 'Hmmm?'


Hey (N/n)-chan! I wanted to know if you wanted to walk to school together? I'll meet you by the stop sign that's 4 blocks away from the school, it's near Matusdo Elementary School!


I would love to walk with you to school, Zuku-chan. I will leave in about 20 minutes :)

Cold Embraces and Hot Kisses (Shouto Todoroki/Reader)Where stories live. Discover now