Chapter ~02

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"Kayes" is just a name and nothing more? ?


What a "fantastic" day it's been!

I am feeling sore all over my body. Thanks to my earlier activities and of course him and some more.

If you failed to get what I mean then let me enlighten you. I have yet to tell you about me, not that I am going to reveal everything at once.

I am a volleyball player.
I am all sore because of practice and by "him" I meant my couch. Plus my team members.  They are all so suffocatingly nice but when it's about volleyball, they get crazy. And I am talking about " Male " volleyball team. We have one for guys also, not just the gals play it in our school. 
Some of us guys get "a little " friendly smuck from others fellow school mates for playing it but we are tough. We can handle anything and I mean "anything ".

It's almost 7 pm. I am pretty late for our family meeting. According to my loving parents Wednesday is family night whether you have other plans or not, you have to attend it or else. .... you don't want to know and trust me, You Don't Want To Know.

I guess my balloon of luck just got punctured because there is a Bentley Mulsanne right side of our house?

What the heck in noodles!! I don't remember or know anyone with that kind of car. It's not one of my relatives, I am sure about that. Then who??

Should I skip dinner or something? I am pretty hungry. All that running around and then hopping like a kangaroo makes me super hungry. I just can eat you, not that I am going to do, it just I am hungry.

I tiptoed towards the door and opened it slowly. Don't crack please god of doors and floors. I am just a hungry child have mercy on m-

"Deacon, go change and be down within 10 minutes to help me set the table. Dinner at 8." My lovely mother said with a sweet tone. Oh, with so much love, she is going to kill me with kindness at dinner in front of a bunch of unknown specimen. I better hurry and maybe a bath or a shower again won't be bad? !

I made my way upstairs and finished everything quickly. That woman is the devil's incarnations. Now, now don't get me wrong, I love my mother. It just. ... oh fuck it. I have to go down or she will come here and that's not a pretty scene to witness.

"Good to see you on time ", can you hear the sarcasm in my mother's voice?  Oh, how much I love her!  Otherwise, she would have kicked the bucket a long time ago. Ijust don't like to attend funerals.

"So, we have guest? " I asked.

" You sister's in lows. " She answered.

Ohhh. I totally forgot about them.  Then yes, I know and have some relatives with dirty money. You know exactly what I mean. I wonder why are they here?  My sister and her husband are abroad. They won't be back in 2 years. I got a little curious. Those people doesn't waste their precious time just like that. I smell something funcky.

I followed my mother's advice and kept quiet.

Soon,  everyone gathered into the dinning area.

"Deacon, how are you doing? " Mrs. Grant. asked with so much fake. ...Arrrh!! What's the word for it?  Oh fuck it!

"I am fine as polished pearls. How are you doing this lovely night Mrs. Grunt ". I politely emplified. If I know what I mean but did you caught that "grunt". I know she also did but kept quiet. They are planning something.

"Let's say grace, shall we? " my mother stated after we sat down on our designated seats. Really mother!  I am dying from hunger here.

Finally, she end her prayer. It was rather short then other days.  Thank you mother. I started pigging out as the pig I am, according to my mother.

"Slow down. The food won't escape if you take a moment to devour them." My father tried to save the embarrassment but according to me, Well, he failed.

"You are a master chef Mr. Frost. " commented Mrs. Grant.  Yes, my father cooked today. Well, he always makes food. Me and my mother, we can't cook to save our lives. My father has a restaurant and mother is a psychiatrist. Psychiatrist are supposed to be friendly and she is super friendly but in my case, I am the devil. I am so different with others, I don't know why I behave this way. According to my mother, I have some reverse psychology going on. I don't know what.
Anyway, back to the current topic.

"It will be a pleasure if he comes with us. I am so happy that you agreed with this. " Mrs. Grant. Said.

Wait? Why are they looking at me like that? ?

What did I missed?

"Deacon will pack his things this Friday after school. Then he can leave. " my father said.


They are kicking me out!?! What did I do? I. .

" Then I will come Saturday morning to pick you up Deacon. "Mr. Grant. said to me. 

What the fuck is happening? ?

"I can't believe my baby boy agreed to go.  He is only 17!" My mother is crying?  What the fuck is going on?  What did I agreed to?  When? ? To do what? ?

"What's happening? " I asked confused. 

Mr. Grant. nodded his head towards me and got up from the chair.

"I will see you on Saturday then. Bye Deacon. "Mrs. Grant. kissed on my cheek and left with her husband after that shortly.
I am still confused.

"Mom, what's happening?" I asked. 

" It's okay baby. I will be able to stay away from you for 3 months. It's no big deal. My boy is all grown up. " She left with some dish. I looked at my father. I guess something clicked into my father's head.

" Jesus christ! You even weren't paying attention when you agreed. "he said. 

" What? " I don't know what's he talking about?

"You just agreed to stay with them for 3 months. I told you about the trip. You remembered that, right ? " he asked. Of course, I remember.  They are going on a trip for 3 months.

Wait, wait, WAIT!

I have to go live with them for those 3 months.

"No way ", I thought I will live alone. And why did they will let me stay with them?

"Your mother agreed on doing something for them." My father answered. I thought I said that inside my head.

" No, son and yes. You are still thinking out loud. " he replied again.

I agreed to that? Why? When? I might have when I was on dreamland or something. I am really a mind Drifter.  Oh, damn it! It reminds me of Mr. Chemistry teacher. He called me that again today at school. Those sexy lips. I just want to bite and suck that rod and ride-

"Deacon! " my mother exclaimed furiously.  Oh my junk!! I said all those ALOUD? ?? oh Mr. Grant. come and get me now. I want to so badly want to go to your house. I am dying to see you and your annoying wife but please come and save my ass. With that,I ran to my room and locked the door. I don't want to die this young and sexy. I can still hear my mother not so sweet anymore voice going high then the high road. Damn mouth!  Couldn't you stayed shut? !

Then again, I kinda wish , he will. ..

What am I thinking? I am getting hard. Damn you mofo. Why are you so? ???? An ass. Like the donkey.

My phone vibrated in my front pocket. I took it out and almost jumped out my window. It says-..

'Come over right now, Drifter ' - Mr. Chemistry .


Should I go or not?

To You - Mr. Where stories live. Discover now