This is much healthier than cocaine.

"I can't be without you that long either. We'll work it out, angel. I promise." He kissed down my body, gingerly running his tongue along my bruises. "Too pretty to be doing this to yourself. Gonna love on you every time to remind you..."

I found myself daydreaming about the morning quickie we had after that conversation. Business meetings are boring, am I right? I started tuning out when I realized that I wasn't going to get my way.

"Nikki, I'm sure you'd like the first copy?"

My ears perk up and I turn to look at Ron Perry, the CEO of Columbia Records.

"The vinyl has already been cut?!" I squeak and snatch it from his hands. He laughs at my excitement.

"Now we have your attention, hmm?"

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"Now we have your attention, hmm?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, Mr. Perry. It feels like a terrible time for me to release this album. The situation with Jeffrey Azoff is everywhere. My mum's not well. My personal life was kept under the radar for most of my career and now it's unraveling like some horror movie." I rambled on.

"We've gone over this before and I understand where you're coming from. It still keeps you relevant in the media, as harsh as that may sound. Your first single is fragile and empowering; perfect for this delicate time. I know you've successfully gone without a PR team for your entire career, but I'm sure you realize that now it's a necessity." David, my manager, speaks up.

I sigh, my lips making a slight buzzing sound. He's right, because it's not only about me now. It's to protect other people involved, as well, like my family and friends. Harry and I have also decided to have a somewhat normal relationship in the public eye. It will definitely help if we both have PR teams; it would be less stress. We could keep the focus on our work and each other instead of constant damage control.

The hardest part is giving up power. I like speaking on my own behalf. I speak the truth for me. No one else should. I guess the point now is the truth isn't always a good thing when it comes to the business side of things or my reputation. I'd fabricate anything to protect Harry. My management is worried about how I'm perceived, but I could care less. Every move I make now will affect my boyfriend in some way. It's the same with any other couple, the only difference is everyone is watching and documenting our every move.

"Let's do it. Get me a PR team." I almost pinch my thighs under the table, but ball my hands into fists before I do. The idea of giving up the little control that I had left was overwhelming.

My manager covers one of my balled fists with his hands. I give him a small smile to let him know that I'll be fine. He has seen me at my worst and has done so much for me over the years. I know that having a PR Team will help lift many burdens off of his shoulders, as well.


I yawned, dragging my ass through the door after a long day of meetings, and looking over my schedule for the next two months. I'm flying straight to LA from Jamaica after next week. I haven't even thought about where Harry was going or what his schedule would also be like.

The Sound of Silence 2 // H.S.Where stories live. Discover now