Chapter 2: We Meet Again

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Celeste meet Kirigiri outside her dorm in the early hours of the morning. It had been several day since they had been trapped together and the first day Celeste had properly seen Kirigiri since then.
"I do not think I've properly introduced myself to you, have I? My name is Celestia Ludenburg, the ultimate gambler"
Celeste offered out her hand in a handshake, ready to use every trick in the book to learn more about this stranger.
They were strangers now, but Celeste knew how to get into people's minds, to break them and use them.
"And you are?"
Celeste asked her, glancing at her hand, which remained untouched and up again at the beautiful face of the stranger in front of her.
"I am Kyoko Kirigiri."
"And... You're talent is?"
Kyoko looked away, still no emotion in her gaze.
"I don't remember my talent"
Kyoko words trickled out of her mouth. How could someone not remember their talent, the skill that they've been taught to use since they were a child.
There was only one conclusion. She was lying. As a girl who lies every five seconds, Celeste could see straight through her lies. But why tell such an unbelievable lie and why cover up your talent?
Celeste had no clue and was left interested as Kirigiri walked away.
She had to get to the bottom of this.
One, because she could use it to her advantage, something she's been doing since birth and two, because it would give her something to do in this otherwise boring killing game.

Celeste walked down the hall later that night. She had imposed restrictions and was sure that nobody would disobey her command on the first night. She knew not to be too cocky but honestly, her classmates were too easy. Hifumi had fallen to her rule and the others were slowly doing the same. Togami was easy to please, just agree with him on everything. Their was one person who she wasnt sure about though.
Kyoko Kirigiri.
The girl had a certain mystery around her that Celeste was jealous about. Of course, if she wanted a mystery she could just lie about her talent like Kirigiri. But then again, Celeste was already lying about her name, origin and mostly everything else. She didn't want even more lies to keep track of.
Celeste took a seat in the moonlight of the cafeteria. It was warm and she was lost in thought, but even so she didn't let her guard slip.
Even if she was distracted by the thought of Kirigiri.

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