Chapter 3: Truth

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Kirigiri was much more suspicious than Celeste pridicted.
All Celeste knew was her name, which might even be made up.
"Pupupu~ A body has been discovered"
Celestes heart raced but she had perfected her poker face. Just like kirigiri.
Uugh, everything always came back to Kirigiri. Every little move she made it seemed like she dodged her.
She wasn't intreged anymore, she was pissed.
Pissed that this girl had outsmarted her, for the first time ever someone had outsmarted her.

Kirigiri was in the cafeteria when the announcement played.
"Eek, a body?"
Touko seemed to faint as Naegi came back, a horror shocked look on his face.
The victim was Sayako Maizono, the ultimate popstar.
Kyoko didn't care much for Maizono but she would have to get dragged into a boring investigation as she knew the frightened boy in front of her couldn't commit a murder.
She sighed and quickly bored board as the investigation went on and the hours ticked away.
She saw the twin tailed girl approach her not-so-subtly out of the corner of her eye. The only way she would talk to Celeste is if she was bored. Luckily for Celeste, Kirigiri was bored to the point of death.

"Hello again Kirigiri, may I please have a word with you."

"Of course"

"In private?"

Kirigiri fought with the inner urge to be a bitch and followed Celeste into an abandoned classroom

"I've been thinking about you"

Kirigiri was taken aback. She didn't expect THIS from the formal queen of gambling

"What do you mean?"

Kirigiri stared into Celestes deep red eyes, they were obviously contacts and fake like the rest of her. Kirigiri was always on guard, but this beauty in front of her was almost fake enough to be real

Wait, BEAUTY?!
"Do I really think of Celeste like that?" Kirigiri thought to herself. She had never let her guard down enough to make friends, let alone anything more than friends.

"-and I would love working with you, yes or no?"
Kirigiri heard the last part of Celestes offer. She assumed that Celeste was gonna use her and yet-

"Yes, I accept"
Kirigiri didn't remove her poker face but inside she knew she fucked up. But she was gonna die anyways, she didn't remember anything about her talent and she was deemed useless.

"We meet here at 8. Pm. Sharp.

"Didn't you make a rule of no going out after kerfew Celeste??"

"There is some exceptions"

With that, Celeste walked away a bit confused as to why Kirigiri accepted her offer...

"Shes not dumb enough to accept it like that, she must have a plan."
Celeste thought to herself

The class trial went by with no real surprises. Leon wasn't important in Celestes life, he could die and she wouldn't even blink. Although how he got murdered was brutal. Imagine if she got murdered like that.

Kirigiri and Celeste both arrived one hour before the meetup, mainly to plan ahead.
The classroom was freezing cold but both girls showed no emotion.

"What's your plan? I know you didn't accept my offer for nothing"
Celeste softly spoke as if threated

"You interest me Celeste" Kirigiri put her hand showing some papers "Or should I say, Taeko Yasuhiro"

Celeste looked down. In her hands were secrets she had tried to keep since she started gambling.

Celeste had brought a knife and was now trying to stab Kirigiri.
"How did you find these?"

"The new motive, I thought you heard, all secrets get reveled if nobody dies, it just took a bit of work finding them"

Celeste stopped trying to stab her as Kirigiri pulled her into a headlock.
"Lemme go you bitch!"
Her European accent had dissappeared and she was starting to blackout.
Celeste collapsed as Kirigiri let go. Celeste was in a blackout and Kirigiri was tired. She looked at this sleeping beauty, a fake. Now that she knew her true identity she would be more complient.
Kirigiri stroked her hair and left the room, locking the door from the inside so nobody could touch Celeste

They finally came to a agreement

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