~Chapter 6~

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When I came to it felt as though I was floating on air. Mostly cause in fact I was. So when I looked around myself for something to hold and saw nothing, I panicked. A wrong choice.

"Hush your mouth child or I will drop you to your sudden demise." the same voice from before. But more 'there'. That's because she was in fact there. Standing below me. I was really high in the air. "But if I fall... I will die...". I said at the mention of her dropping your education is somewhere. You did sing the alphabet in your sleep..."

"I got teached by Jay Jay mommy. That's how I knows the affabet."I said trying to turn my head before finding the height scary once more and deciding to close my eyes instead.

"Surely she should have taught you grammar as well." I could feel a bit of meanness in her voice. It wasn't very much unlike her normal voice.

"I didn't quite like the graham crackers there. I wouldn't want to learn them at all..." I said making a first basic mistake. I didn't understand she meant grammar and that had nothing to do with the small cookies.

"Child shut your ignorant mouth or the next thing I shall do is sew it closed for you." a bit of a scary tone in her voice made me quiet. There was no doubt she would do so to me. In fact the only.reason she had yet to be scared of her yet was lack of visual. Though my curiosity would soon be soothed as I felt my body fall from the air.

"Do not scream or you will break my concentration. And then you will surely die. With your weak and frail young body I believe a fall now at this speed and height you will die before touching the ground. I suggest you keep your mouth closed." she was talking more than I was and still I didn't yell in fear, which was building up inside my throat. The fear of falling to a scary death worse than the air rushing my ears.

I shook my head as I fell. The air rushing one way then the next then again in the same direction. And my arms stayed tucked against my body. The wind was strong enough to take them away. My legs however failed to stay in line. Them and my hair was falling above me. As if they were falling slower. In fact now I felt as though my own fall had slowed down. My body catching up with my legs and hair.

"Oommph..." I landed on the floor with a thud and a release of air, (what the scream had turned into since I couldn't let it out.)

"Come now child. Do not just sit there. We only have but so much time to do what needs to be done. Otherwise we will never get this done." The quite rude lady walked away from me. Her words repeating in the halls along the way. I had to quickly get to my feet in order to follow her. At least this time there was a floor to walk on. But my mind kept wandering around at the past events.

In so little time I had become a lost child again. I had met a young child, the fact of if the child was to be labeled girl or boy was yet to be determined, and felt very much at ease before feeling uneasy in this place.

"Can youse slow down a liddle bit?" I asked trying to keep up. My legs were still a bit jelly-like and my hair fuzzed around my head. I had to smooth it down but some hairs just wouldn't stay.

"No keep up and move along. And keep up you should. If you get lost I am not coming back for you. And you will be lost in the abyss of Hell forever. And most likely mauled by the creatures that are starved down here. So your best chance is to come along child."

Her voice may have been cold, the floor as well, (I was starting to rethink that it was even a floor) but the idea was even more chilling. I found myself next to her in the nest instant. No way was I to be left alone down here.

"That's what I thought. Now child how did you find yourself there that night?" She asked me. The tunnel by then was flooded with light and the air around us was gradually warming.

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