~Chapter 4~

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I'd played my hardest that night. And at the beginning it was like every other concert. The people came enjoyed the music and then left. They threw me flowers and showered me with affection.

But tonight there was a small girl. Sitting right at the stage eyes transfixed on me. Followed my every move. And her green eyes watching me didn't scare me. No, rather the opposite. As I reached the end of the concert the pull to her was so strong l scraped the last song I had prepared.

"For this last song.. I find myself a bit lonely on this big stage. I'd love if I could have one of my lovely listeners join me on stage." the crowd went wild as expected. And the girl stood as well, more wary than excited. But that didn't stop me from looking down to her and pointing. "How about you lovely lass?" I looked down and pointed and held my hand out even. She took my question with regard as if thinking about the end results.

"M...me?" She asked and I could hear the smallness in her voice, or the unease.

"Yes you lass. You're the only one up here." I chuckled light as she tilt her head. A guard closer to the ground came over and she tensed. He seemed to be trying to help her get on stage. But I shooed him away seeing her in the verge of letting off.

"Would you care to join me up here. For my last song? It would be my pleasure to have you." I saw a bit of red take to her cheeks. She nodded her head without taking her eyes off my hand. Her own on a necklace around her neck. I myself walked to the end of the stairs then her before taking her hand. I made sure to leave my violin on the stage so as the be able to fully greet the young lady. On one knee I kissed the back of her hand

"...Wat... was that for?" She asked as I stood. "Did... I do sumthin?"

"Well for starters you agreed to join me. And maybe just maybe I could lead you on stage." I said in response leading her back the way I had come. When I had made it back up the whole crowd roared with expectation. She looked out at the crowd a bit of amusement in her eyes. They sparkled a lighter green. But her face stayed cold and wary.

"Well lass? What is your name?" I asked pulling back up my violin. She looked directly at me as if debating what she would say. How hard was it for one to remember their own name?

"Olivia. Das m-my name." she said and nodded her head. Her speech was something that needed lots of work. Especially for someone who looked about 8 years old.

"That's a lovely name. Miss Olivia!" I turned to the crowd and held her hand up between us. The crowd cheered yet again. Such appearance was necessary for the show to continue.

"What say you treat me to a dance? Young lass. With such a dainty body as your own surely you're light on your feet."

"Dance? I have never dance ..." A childlike tilt of the head. A glance down at our hands and a red tint on her cheek. It didn't matter if she knew how to dance. Like I said. She would be light on her feet.

"And that will be quite all right. Just follow me." I turned to the small orchestra behind us. A small nod of my head and I felt the music before I heard it. Bouncing and jumping... living. Like the music was calling me.

I took her other hand and swept her away and crossed the stage in one easy sweep. "Take my hand and cross the floor."

She watched me so feverishly as if considering something. Something deep going on in her head. Would I ever figure it out? She intrigued me. Would I ever see her again? Would I want too... would she?

" Hold me close and personal. Don't you want a little more?"

She was into it now. Moving with me. Her face softer. Forgetting her woes. Joining me in the same octave. Dancing in the same beat.

"Right or wrong don't make a sound. The plan is never that simple."

Then as if the world had stopped... she pulled away. Her face bursting red. Maybe I had gotten too close. Or one of the shouts had gotten to her. It must have been the second.

She looked into the crowd horror practically written on her face. She took her hand from mine. The small hand had fit so comfortably in my own. The warmth gone. By the time I called out to her, she was gone. Down the stairs of the stage and pushing her way out the building. "What a strange one... Olivia..."

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