Start from the beginning

"Do you understand that bipolar disorder is a mental illness? You have to stay on your meds cause if you don't then you can end up like this." He pointed at him as he referred to the position he's in now.

"Taymor I know this shit now. I've realized that I'm not normal like everyone else and where that shit can lead me." Kentrell said with an attitude laced in his voice from the frustration he felt coming over him out of nowhere.

Taymor shook his head and ran his free hand down his face. He sighed and his eyes analyzed kentrell body. Soon wandering down to his arms and noticing the deep cuts, scars, and bruises all on his left arm.

He shook his head and wiped away the tears that had fell down his face.

Taymor knew he still wasn't taking his medication because that's the only time he began to harm himself in many different ways.

"I see you still not taking your medication. You've been in here harming yourself like kentrell look at your arm. All those scars, cuts, and bruises." He looked at the older boy in disgust.

"Nigga I'm taking the shit now I just wasn't taking them when I first came in this bitch."

"The fuck else have you been doing in here?"

Kentrell rolled his eyes. "Nothing nigga damn!" He held a smug look on his face.

"You're using drugs I know that!" He whisper yelled through the phone. Taymor didn't want to be loud cause he didn't want anybody else besides kentrell to hear him.

Ken looked at him crazy. "No the fuck I haven't!" He lied.

"Kentrell I'm not fucking stupid. I see scars from the needles in your arm, you know my mother was using at a point in time so I know the signs." Taymor told him. It was a part of his life where his mother was using heroine and it effected their family. Luckily she got herself clean and never went back.

Kentrell straight faced him. "I'm not using."

"You're going to sit here and lie to me? I came here to talk things out and to try to forgive you but you're making this shit hard." He sighed.

"Aight fine I was using for a little while and now I'm not." Kentrell lied right through his teeth. The older boy was still using and he still wasn't taking his medication but he didn't need taymor knowing all of that. "It's been difficult not being able to see you and knowing I hurt you. Thinking about that shit make me go crazy and I needed something to help me deal with the pain I feel." Kentrell got honest about his reasoning of using.

"It's been a lot going on with me and nobody understand that shit." Kentrell grew frustrated.

"I've been going through shit to kentrell. You're not the only one who's been struggling with shit. I've been having a lot going on since all that shit went down between us." He referred to the altercation between them.

"Paris told me that you've been snorting pills and coke." He changed the subject putting the focus back on taymor since he had a lot to say about drug usage.

Taymor shot his head up and looked directly at kentrell. "What?" He tried acting clueless.

"Yeah, you thought I didn't know. She told me that you've been snorting for a while now. I think like a month." He thought back to the conversation he had with paris when he called her phone. She had told him about the drugs but not the physical abuse which she wasn't planning on telling him neither. Plus she had promise taymor that she wouldn't say anything. She didn't know about the escorting business taymor and john had going on and tay was planning on keeping that between him and his boyfriend.

Taymor couldn't believe paris had told him. Taymor only told her about it cause she found a small bag full of crunched pills that looked like cocaine and he had no choice but to be honest. He could've lied but paris would've seen right through it.

"When did she tell you this?"

"A week ago when I called her and we were talking on the phone." Taymor shook his head.

"Let me ask you this. Did that nigga get you hook on that shit?" He asked. "I know you still with that nigga I got ears and eyes in the streets." He told him.

"It doesn't matter who introduced me into pills I chose to do them." He said nonchalant about it.

Kentrell sighed. "Taymor it don't matter! Why the fuck are you getting into that bullshit knowing that shit will have you all over the place and fucked up." He said with an angry look on his face. "That shit is serious and you around here turning into Elsa the fucking snow princess."

"Bitch you're the one becoming a dope fiend. You around here shooting heroin and snorting coke. So who's really the fiend nigga." He spat back at the older man with anger laced in his voice.

"Who the fuck told you I was snorting?" His nose flared out.

"Paris nigga." Taymor said in a 'duh' tone.

He shook his head. "This bitch!" He put emphasis on the word. "I never told that bitch I was snorting so where the fuck she getting that from."

"So don't try to make it seem like I'm the only person that's fucked up in this situation."

"I'm not trying to do this with you dude." Kentrell rubbed his temple with his free hand while still holding the phone in his other hand.

"Kentrell get some rest tonight and I'll be back in the morning tomorrow."

Kentrell nodded his head. "Aight."

"I love you kentrell. Forever and always."

"Forever and always." Kentrell said back.

Taymor placed the phone on the hook and got up from the chair he was sitting in. He made his way out the visitation room and the Correctional center.

Coming to see kentrell was something he didn't know if he wanted to do but he knew it had to be done sooner or later. He was nervous or more so scared because he feared kentrell even more than before. He still had nightmares and it taunted him but the otherside of him missed his baby. He put all the negative thoughts in the back of his mind and decided to see him.

He had talked to paris about seeing him and she gave him the information of the address and how to schedule a visitation day. He set everything up and did what he felt he needed to do for him and for kentrell.


didn't proofread but excuse for errors.

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