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Day: Monday, January 2nd, 2017 Time: 2:12pm Location: Dallas, Texas
I fiddled with my pencil as our teacher went on about trigonometry. I couldn't stand this class. All we did was listen to the woman run her mouth about the same shit we learned months ago. It was annoying.
"Taymor?" I heard my name being called.
Turning around, I seen kentrell in the back of the class. I rolled my eyes.
"What?" I questioned.
"Check yo' phone."
I turned forward, grabbing my phone that sat on my desk. Unlocking it, going to our messages.
Bitch 😒
You still mad at me
Taytay 💍
What you think
Bitch 😒
What I gotta do to make it up to you
Taytay 💍
You already know
Bitch 😒
Now you know I can't do that 💀
Taytay 💍
Well then I'm still mad
I shot him a smile and turned back to my phone, watching as the three bubbles popped up in the chat.
Bitch 😒
I'm coming over later
Taytay 💍
No you're not
Bitch 😒
Yea ok 💀
I looked back at him and glared as he held a smirk upon his face, putting his phone in his pocket. I locked my phone and finished taking notes until the period was over and we could go home.
Not long after, the bell had rung and I put my work in my book bag.
I made my way out the classroom and into the hallway. Going out the school doors and walking home since I only stay three blocks over.