Ashar ki dulhania

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Zoya- And you know what, Bhai likes her too Ammi...

Sheerin- What, really?

Zoya nods in assurance, Sheerin was so happy to hear this. Najma would be the perfect choice for his son. Both the ladies hug each other. Sheerin decided they will first talk to Rashid once he Will be home and then both of them will talk to Asad and Dilshad...


Everyone was settled in living room after dinner, and Rashid and Sheerin were looking at each other  to start the conversation. Sheerin when told Rashid about Najma and Asher, he too became very happy. Sheerin ask Rashid to initiate the conversation...

Rashid- Aapa if I ask for something from you today, will you offer it to me?

Dilshad- What are you saying Rashid. whatever I have is yours only. You can take anything with authority...

Rashid hold her hand and they both smiled a little. Asher was hell nervous. Zoya patted his shoulder while the other 4 people had no idea what's going on...

Rashid- For my older Son Asher, I want to ask Najma's hand in marriage...

Everyone became silent for the moment as this was nevertheless expected. Najma blushed hard, she immediately ran into her room. Zoya too excused from there and went behind her, while Asher was In a dilemma, whether he should also leave or not. In all of this who was the most confused man, was Asad. He didn't understand if Asher and Zoya are into each other then why Farooqui family have proposed Najma. He need answers and he knew only Zoya can provide it...

Dilshad- Rashid Najma?

Dilshad was speechless. Being a son of Rashid she had no doubt he is a very good man, or the best for her daughter but she don't know What to do as Najma was quite young. Now Sheerin took a hold of her hands...

Sheerin- Aapa please don't say no, we will never be able to find someone better than Najma for our Son. Asher also likes her and she is the perfect match..

Asher blushed hard. Now this was shocking to Asad, how can he like Najma while he like Zoya, he wanted to go out of here right now...

Dilshad looked towards Asad for his opinion...

Asad- I think we should ask Najma first and let her decide, I will be back..

And he dashed out to look for Zoya.  Dilshad smiled, so it was a confirmation from his side.. She look towards Farooqui and smile whole heartedly....

Dilshad- If Najma says yes then I have no problem with this alliance.. I am sure Asher is going to be a great husband for her...

Suddenly the mood lighten up in the villa...

Mean while at upstairs, Zoya came behind Najma to know her decision, but seeing her all happy and shy she understood that she also like Asher. Zoya confronted her and she gave her acceptation for the marriage. Najma was no more interested in studying further. She knew Dilshad want her to settle down before Asad and secretly she had liked Asher from the day one. So she happily agreed for the proposal...

Zoya was soo happy she was going downstairs to share this happy news with every one when in the middle his arrogant cousin almost collided with her. She angrily looked at him...

"What is the problem with you, every time you keep coming in my way, colliding with me..." He ignored her words and dragged her to the terrace...

"Mr. Khan what is the matter with you? You can't talk to me every time without forcing me to corners?" She jerked away his hands. From past 2 days he was ignoring her and now look at him dragging her to the corners. He is mentally unstable or what...

"Why Asher has proposed Najma for marriage, tell me honestly?" he straight forwardly asked her...

"What do you mean why? Ammi wants to marry him off and he likes Najma so we proposed her and you know what Najma also likes Bhai. I am so happy now she will be my sister in law.." Asad looked at her dumbfounded. Bhai did she just said him bhai? He was totally lost, Zoya snapped her fingers in front of his eyes..

Zoya- what, where are you lost?

Asad- He is your brother? So you don't like him?

Zoya- Why will I not like my own brother? Of course I like him, he is the best brother in the whole world and I love him...

Asad was smiling like a fool.. He is her brother and here what he was thinking. He was soo happy hearing her words that he suddenly hugged her... She was shocked on his sudden move. He was hugging her so tight as if he left her for a minute she will disappear..

Zoya had a content smile on her face she was so happy. She can live here forever but wait what he was saying that you don't like Asher. Did he just thought that Asher and I had a thing going on maybe that's why he was ignoring her for past two days. Her mouth was wide open on this revelation she instantly broke the hug and asked him the same, now it was his turn to stammer, he was looking everywhere except her. She broke into a fit of laughter. He was glaring at her but she was laughing a lot...

"Like seriously Mr. Khan Asher and I? Aww how cute, you look so cute when you are jealous..." she was laughing continuously when suddenly he pushed her towards him, she was not ready for it so she collided with his chest....

"So you think this is funny right?" he grabbed her waist tightly. She was blushing hard, she was looking down, so he lift her chin with his index finger....

"Look at me..." she slowly moves her eyes upwards, lots of emotions were in both of their eyes...

"Someone is getting jealous of Tanveer too and then that someone has the audacity to make fun of me... Hmmmm...." he said huskily in her ears and bit her earlobe making shivers ran down her spine... She moaned a little. He kissed there too soothe her pain... He moved a little bit downwards and placed a kiss on her neck she moved a bit upwards to give him full access. His hold on her waist gets tighter and she too hold his shoulder tightly... He do not wants to stop but when both of them are romancing and there come no one to disturb them is not possible, so here came a not so pleasing voice of Tanveer...

Tanveer- Asad where are you? Everyone is calling you downstairs...

They both came to reality, Zoya was blushing hard, Asad smirked, they both straighten up and made their way towards the hall...

Zoya shared Najma's decision with everyone and every face in the hall lighten up... Razia was happy as after Najma next will be turn of Asad's marriage. Asher was happy too. Zoya hugged him and looked towards Asad who too was smiling. It was a wonderful day for everyone.. They all started discussing the marriage date. Shaad villa was going to be filled with lots of happiness in coming days....


PYAR LAFZO ME KAHANTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon