"NO WAY" blurted out Daniel. Zach fell off of the couch at the mention of this "It's not safe for the girls" Jack perked up. Corbyn looked at him annoyed "When are you going to live on the wild side dude" Jack thought for a while, maybe this could be the weekend he proved Corbyn wrong, maybe all of them. "Call the girls" he looked at Jonah. He was about to protest but Jack demanded that he did. 


"I expect a song next week, the label needs something" David told them before disappearing "Have fun, don't do drugs" his voice faded out. The door bell had run as Corbyn rushed to it and was greeted with a hug by Lauren. Hannah, Kaylen, Emily and Kim came after all in that order. 

"This is going to be some weekend" Corbyn said excited. They all went inside and huddled together in the living room chattering excitedly about what the weekend was going to be like with Freddie Ramirez, expect the unexpected. "I got the drinks" Corbyn said holding up a bag. "Dibs on the coke" Lauren giggled. Suddenly Jonah's phone pinged, it was Freddie, he peeked outside and saw him looking straight ahead in the driver's seat, his headlights blaring light at the condo. "DAVID WE'RE LEAVING" Jonah yelled. "DON'T DO DRUGS" was all David said before they piled out closing the door, Jonah of course stuffing 3 blood banks into his bag. 

The drive to Freddie's house was quiet with him going on and on about his wealth, along the deadly road they saw a figure appear with blood dripping from their mouth, Freddie slammed on his breaks as they all screamed in alarm, everyone was fine. The journey continued until they reached the mansion, Corbyn and Daniel exclaimed at the sight, the girls were in awe. He pulled up in the driveway closing the gate and they all got out. They were here. 

Freddie's house

Freddie opened the door the girls walking in first. They were met with a grand staircase leading up to the different bedrooms that were on the top floor. He showed them around the mansion and led them out to the back where a gigantic pool stood. "OH MY GOD" yelled Corbyn "DUDE" he said excitedly "YOU HAVE A POOL" he was now giddy. "DAN FREDDIE HAS A POOL. DO YOU SEE THIS!!!" Daniel laughed at him and agreed looking at Jonah giving him a murderous look. They walked back in. "I noticed you guys brought sleeping bags, you can take up spaces in the living room. Everything you see here is a grand masterpiece. DO NOT BREAK A THING" he said lifting a finger in the air "Or I'm dead" 

The group sat in the living room in a circle. Freddie was in the kitchen pouring drinks that Corbyn brought along and a hit of Vodka in each. Jonah walked up behind him clearing his throat. He smiled upon seeing him "Hi" he said looking at him. Jonah took the bottle from him and rested it down on the counter beside the cups. "I hope you have your hormones or whatever vampire shit you want to call it under control" he stared at him in his clear blue eyes. "Would you relax" he said mixing a drink "I survive on blood banks as much as you do, no one is going to get hurt" he said pursing his lips together. Jonah grabbed a drink "If you so much as to hurt those girls..."he paused "As long as we get along everything will be fine" he returned to the group handing Emily a cup. 

A game of spin the bottle

"It's hard to believe that you just have alcohol bottles laying around man" Zach looked at Freddie. He looked down for a while and changed the subject quickly, Jonah knew it had something to do with his father, known alcoholic, yet again no one knew what goes on behind closed doors, not even the press. He spun the bottle and it landed on Daniel and Kim. Daniel looked at Kaylen who wasn't amused at all. "I'll pass" Kim looked at Jack, who looked away. Freddie shook his head "No passies" Corbyn looked at him confused and mumbled "What the fuck" under his breath, no one heard him "Once it lands, you have to kiss the person for five seconds" Daniel gulped. Jonah stared on without saying a word knowing how persistent Freddie was, no one would survive this game under his rules and jurisdictions. The air was silent as Daniel and Kim leaned towards each other in the circle, Kaylen and Jack couldn't bear to look but did anyway. As they neared closer and closer Kim's lips opened up for entrance as Daniel's met hers and their tongues intertwined but couldn't seem to stop. He felt the urge to hold her and pull her in closer but had to fight it and pulled away. Freddie laughed "No one said tongue" they both cleared their throat. Kaylen was silent but when Kim looked over Jack was nowhere to be seen. "Excuse me" she mumbled to the group before leaving them to continue the game they all didn't want to be apart of. She searched high and low for Jack and went up the staircase. He wasn't in the bathroom or in any of the rooms nearby, she made her way down the hallway and saw a door closed. She opened it slowly and saw Jack sitting at the edge of the bed, he didn't know whose it was, neither did he care, he didn't want to succumb to the numbness he felt seeing Kim kiss one of his closest friends/band member. She went and sat beside him. 

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