The two pulled away panting and Lyanna looked over at her phone with a pissed look on her face. Bonnie blushed, realizing what they were doing and climbed off Lyanna. The Heretic reached over and grabbed her phone.

"Whoever the fuck is calling right now is in a load of ass-kicking once I find you and beat the shit out you." Lyanna snapped. Bonnie covered her mouth to keep herself from laughing.

Damon was on the other line, highly amused at her threat but serious as well due to the events that are happening at the moment. "Elena undaggered Elijah." he stated bluntly. Lyanna sat up from the heavy blankets. "That girl did what?" Lyanna yelled, making sure she heard correctly. "Since Elena doesn't want Stefan and I to find her, I want you to go find her." The brown haired girl groaned. "Fine. Since I'm a nice person I'll go. And because I'm worried about her." She then hung up and looked over at Bonnie who hid under the covers.

"Sorry Bons gotta go. Damon says that Elena's missing and he's making me find her because of some other reason." Lyanna groaned, Bonnie sat up from her spot and kissed her longingly. "At least we can continue what we were doing a minute ago?"

"Bonnie ━ " Lyanna tried to continue but Bonnie smashed her plump lips against hers. She groaned After a few seconds of the multiple kisses they shared deeply. Lyanna looked up, breathing becoming rough due to her lack of breathing. "Such a tease...." and grabbed her night blouse pulled Bonnie close to her, who yelped in surprise. "Just for ten minutes."


Elena Gilbert followed Elijah Mikealson in a fast-paced, trying to keep up with him. The noble Mikealson explained about his family's past. How Lyanna' is related to them, including Elijah. The human girl knew she was an Original but she didn't expect her to be related to them. Elena felt a sting of betrayal that her friend never told her that she's related to Klaus. But understood completely. After all, Klaus Mikealson no longer considered her a sibling. Or that's what she believed.

"Is there something troubling you Miss. Gilbert?" a deep voice cut her train of thoughts. Elena played with her fingers and looked up nervously to his dark brown eyes that reminded her of Lyanna'. "Actually, yes. I hope it isn't much of a problem but, ━ knowing Lyanna' was your family just as much as Klaus' why didn't you stay in contact with her or bothered seeing her?"

Elijah's emotionless facade immediately turned into regret. "How is she?" he asks, concerned getting the best of him. Ever since Lyanna made his appearance; he's been doing nothing but trying to protect her from distance. To at least rekindle his relationship with her. But whenever he tries to get closer to her she'll push him away. Telling him to leave her alone. To never bother coming near her. Lyanna has been treating him like nothing but an outsider.

Because you are.

The noble Original shoved both of his pockets inside his long jacket coat that reached above his knees. His hands clenched. Of course his self-consciousness was right. Like always. He hated that Lyanna saw him being a stranger in his eyes. Elijah Mikealson deserved it including the rest of the family.

Elena could see the distress just by his expression, "Why should I be telling you when all you did was make Lyanna' life go back up in flames. Klaus is back and she's been restless ever since he speaks a word to her." the doppelgänger drifted on, looking at the scenery of the distance forests as the two beings walked farther and farther away from the Lockwood mansion. Elena faced Elijah to see him swarm with sadness at the words. Guilt immediately swarmed inside her but she had to say it.

"Look, I know you care about her. I can tell by the way you look at her. But Lyanna isn't a forgiving person. From what I heard from Katherine surprisingly in the tomb she used to be sweet and forgiving. Lyanna is a sweet kind person, but forgiving? it takes time to forgive someone who's caused such a deep wound in her heart. You all sided with Klaus when she needed support from her family." she said truthfully. Elijah took in all her words.

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