Chapter Two

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"Moms! Moms!" Henry bellows in sheer panic through our oversized home, that Regina insisted we purchase for our ever growing family.

Regina and I exchange fearful glances before we set down the food we were preparing to cook for dinner and both run toward our back door. Our eight year old, Henry, is carrying Sutton awkwardly and stumbling through the door with Harper hot on his heels.


"Ssshhh, Henry what's wrong? Your brother is sleeping upstairs," Regina gently states while I pull Sutton from his arms.

"She fell off her bike," he nervously explains while he watches me through concerned eyes where I might be bringing his little sister. "Her knee! Be careful her knee!"

Harper runs to my side, never wanting to leave her sister too far behind. Regina bends down and brushes Henry's messy, sweaty locks to one side and smiles with so much love in her eyes.

"I'm so proud of you my little prince," she coos, creating a pink tinge to graces his cheeks, because he somehow is too old to be called her 'little prince' anymore. "You took care of your little sister and I promise she will never forget it. That's the type of person I want you to be," she gently presses her lips to his forehead and escorts him into the kitchen where I have Sutton sitting on top of the counter.

Our five year old is gripping her knee and whipping her braided pigtails from side to side as she cries out in pain. I'm slowly prying her fingers away to inspect the damage while Regina retrieves the first aid kit.

"Sutton, sweetie, let me look," I softly whisper but she continues to frantically shake her head.

"Don't hurt her mommy," Harper cries out in fear for her sister's wellbeing.

"Oh baby girl," Regina coos and gently cups Harper's chin, forcing her glossy hazel eyes to meet big brown ones. "We won't hurt your sister, we promise."

"Okay," she sniffles and peers up at her tearful sister. "Let momma help you Sutton."

Sutton slams her eyes closed, but slowly releases her knee granting Regina and I the permission to clean up her scraped wound.

"Is it bad? Do I have to go to the hospital?"

"Are you going to have to cut off her leg?" Henry inquires completely serious.

"Yes Henry, momma's going to chop it off right here on our kitchen table," I tease earning myself a playful smack from my wife.

"Don't put those things into our children's heads," she scolds, but there's a faint smirk ghosting over her lips that instantly draws me in closer to steal a quick peck because I can never seem to get enough of those succulent red lips. She flashes me a shy smile before she turns her attention back toward our daughter. "I'm just cleaning the scrape and then I'm going to put a bandaid on and you'll be as good as new."

"Which one you want?" I question as I dig through the kit and pull out a few options. "We have Ariel, Batman, Mickey Mouse or...a plain yucky brown one," I tease.

Sutton sniffles, her bright green eyes finally fluttering open to meet mine. "Batman," she whispers and I nod, knowing already this would be her choice. I slowly peel open the bandage and wait for Regina's signal for me to place Batman into position.

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