Aigoo, this will be my first time stepping on stage. I already feel giddy about it.

"Who knows? Think about this carefully. ah! Everybody knows that during our showcase, you can invite your parents to attend.Invitation has to be sent to see how many will attend"


"For me, both my parents said they will come", I answer happily since they where all up to support this dream of mine. I'm really going to make them proud.

"Two tickets”, he said listing it in his notes “how about you Sam Dong?"

"Um me? Just one ticket for my mom", he answered.

The teacher nodded and continue "And you, Hyemi?"

"Forget about me. If there was someone, they might not be able to come."

I wonder why that is, Could her parents be overseas?

Mr. Kang cleared his throat as if he knew something then he turns to Jingook.

"Don't include me too, my parents aren't here", his mocking tone earlier gets a little bit lonely as it drops.

"What are you saying?" Mr. Kang looks at him in disbelief "Last time in the hospital, I heard you speak to your father on the phone. At that time I also receive..."

"not here", he cut him off "You are mistaken"

I felt the atmosphere becoming gloomy as we heard that only Samdong's mom and my parents are the only one coming for our class. I saw pain in Jingook’s eyes before he hang his head low as the class turns silent.

Then everything turns upside down as we heard a broadcast about the showcase. Everyone attention turn to the speakers.

"The first half of this year's showcase is schedule at the end of this month. There will be prominent figures from the entertainment industry who may sign with you. They will personally confirm your potential. But what a pity, this stage is not for everyone. From first grade to third grade altogether five groups will be allowed to take the stage."

I squeeze the doll I was holding tighter as we continue to listen.

"The previous selection, based on the end-of-month assessment results, will be changed To select participants more fairly"

What?!?" Mr. Kang muttered.

"What does that mean?" I asked. "Isn't it the end of evaluating, you choose good people?"

"Can it be, because they don't want us to participate therefore have this idea", Hyemi then said.

And she does make sense.

"For one year to evaluate only the end of the showcase of the participants selected using only the final evaluation results is insufficient to select showcase performers therefore add the audition score.whicherver of those top-ranking five percent…”

"Audition results?— We were specially selected, therefore we have no audition results, right??" Samdong then said.

"Why has the audition results suddenly been added to the criteria?"

"Like you said, dirty tricks", Jingook told Hyemi."It means that the half-admission class cannot participate in the showcase"

"What?" I felt my dreams where shaken once again. Why are they doing this to us?

I heard Mr.  Kang slum the table as I fight back the threatening tears due to disappointment as I rested my head on the table.

After class…

Milky Couple (Pil Sook and Jason story)Where stories live. Discover now